00:47:02 tomman, becoz of "oooooh shinies"? 00:47:10 i have no idea what avif images are 00:47:25 it's the latest rage of repurposing video codecs as still image codecs 00:47:42 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVIF 00:48:22 to date I've found a couple blogs using that format (because webm is not enough, it seems) 00:48:26 is it considered a new shiny? 00:48:42 that Seamonkey Pale Moon et al dont suport? 00:48:58 https://caniuse.com/avif 00:49:04 FF93 00:49:09 so basically... not 00:49:48 but yeah, so far it hasn't caught on yet, unlike webm 00:50:06 but then, webm took quite a long time to catch on (until Google pretty much forced everybody to do so) 00:50:40 lol 00:50:44 google being google