frg_Awayhappy new year everyone
ManielRight back at you, frg ....and everyone else here-abouts!!
IanN_Awayhappy new year everybody
frg_AwayMattATobin happy new year
MattATobinhappy new year frg_Away
MattATobini am really bad at let's encrypt
MattATobini need to get an automated solution that works with my standard bind dns
MattATobinfrg_Away: I am studing to become redhat certified
MattATobini mean a quarter of it I already know just by using linux servers
frg_AwayMattATobin can't go wrong with this. For enterprises still one of the most uses distros. I just wish for IBM to vanish from the face of this earth :)
CaptainTobinfrg_Away: thank you for the encuragement dude
CaptainTobinfrg_Away: it seriously would have been easier if i had done this 10 years ago instead of .. uhh.. some lunar thing
frg_AwayCaptainTobin I am running OpenSuse ony my backup server partions but all builds are in CentOS 7 or Rocky 8. Still supports KDE too. I can't stand Gnome.
frg_AwayAt woprk also RHEL 8.
CaptainTobinwell rhel is a bitch to install except for its anaconda presets
CaptainTobini am finding
CaptainTobinpratically in a home setting
CaptainTobinsame proceedures.. work fine with stream
frg_AwayOnly set up Rocky 8 recently in a vm. Needed to do some legwork to not use LVM based setup. Might be great for enterprises but for my mom and pop build vm it was urgkk....
CaptainTobinI just got this working last night .. does need work I want to use lightdm with it but right now it is on startx multi-user because well the kickstart orginated from my personal config with openbox
frg_AwayCaptainTobin personally i think you do too many projects :)
CaptainTobindon't worry
CaptainTobini intend to do way more projects than I need to so a lot of stuff collapses into other stuff and so i end UP doing less projects but they ARE more impressive
CaptainTobinleast so goes the theory
CaptainTobinThis one is sticking tho
CaptainTobinbecause there is real need
CaptainTobincause wayland its self is not gonna be avoidable
CaptainTobinand I do feel I can legit help in this regard
frg_Awayyeahh Python 3 was a big task and wayland will be even more so. Last I coundted about 6000 patches to go to 91 alone for widget but there are probably stuff which can be left out and/or is bad. Thankfully mozilla seems to have slowed in the last months. Unless I am wrong not much new invented there but I didn't look too closely.
tommanhappy new year, friends of the web sanity~
tommaneww Wayland
tommana tech stack brought to you by the "Your use case does not exist, GO AWAY" folks
frg_Awaytomman I am not sure I am sane :)