tommanThe Internet Archive drank the Googleisms kool-aid, and now it renders nothing but the top bar because the entire site is now a JS crapp and wants dynamic imports
tommanafter poking at the HTML, turns out that if you add "?noscript=true" to the URLs, then it renders... HTML!
tomman(And a stupid warning bar telling me that my browser is not "MODERN", whatever the hell means that)
tommanexample: archive.org/details/boardwatchmagazine => renders nothing
tommanbut archive.org/details/boardwatchmagazine?noscript=true actually renders the collection
tommanunfortunately that still renders a partially unusable site, but I guess one page of results is better than a useless nav bar...
ManielHappy New Year, guys!!
hardysWG9s: does your server have some issue?
hardysWG9s: the last builds dated 12/30/23 are missing today and the design of the site looks broken
WG9shardys: should be better now
hardysWG9s: looks fine :)
WG9sell still missing build from last night as soon as I get build tools back i will fix tried updating the system OS and the whole system would not boot so had to redo all from scratch
WG9sgood thing i had good backups
hardysWG9s: good to know. Have a Happy New Year
WG9shardys: u2
njsghappy new year, .*
njsgtonymec|away: I think some time ago the noscript parameter just didn't work. Internet Archive pages look kind of brittle to me, be it the archive or the wayback machine
njsgnot so recently, the wayback machine would sometimes return failure on save but would actually save a bit later. bad because I hadn't noticed, good because it at least works. Now it sometimes just blocks access, sometimes works and is, in general, slow
njsgand is also overcomplicated, so much reliance on JS...
tonymec|awaynsjg: happy new year. About noscript and/or wayback machine: dunno.
njsg... I swear I saw tomman when I tab-completed above
» njsg goes clean glasses