13:37:21 oh god, Google switched from paged result pages to Infiniscrollâ„¢ 13:37:24 and it's AWFUL 13:38:44 ...wait, it can be disabled 13:38:46 BUT! 13:38:48 it still doesn't give the decades old "Goooooooooooooogle" page markers at the bottom 14:11:07 tomman well meany you cant switch to page 10 immediately and need to wade trhu the sponsored content and junk add-riddled hits first. 14:16:03 yes 14:16:12 why are u guys still using goggles? 14:16:34 not switched to ddg.gg or startpage.com? 14:36:25 franstam I switched. Just use it rarely these days. 14:43:07 franstam: sadly DDG/Bing offers less quality results than Google for my usual query (and Google quality of results is already quite awful these days, so not really a high bar to clear) 14:43:15 --lower 14:46:39 I always thought the high bar low bar analogy was lame. seems to me it depends on if it is high jump or limbo! ;-) 14:48:19 tomman well I usually find what I want and if I use google nothgin will change. If I quit using goolge like now nothing changes either but I am feeling better with it :) 15:29:54 is there an expected date for 2.53.18 final? 15:30:27 oops wrong channel 15:34:54 wrong channel but build is done and should be soon 15:56:39 My computer had to be rebooted multiple times, and the add-on to restore my session in SeaMonkey stopped restoring the tabs. How can I manually have the data in my profile be recognized and loaded? 15:58:06 if you have the old sessionstore.json in your profile you are good. Not sure about add-on use. Might be a corrupt profile now. 15:59:52 frg_Away: It automatically restores? 16:02:56 Oh, well. I will make sure that the profile folder is backed up going forward. 16:02:59 Thanks. 16:15:33 Usually the last session is restored if you set it so in preferences. 22:49:07 1128|11:44:58 <+tomman> cool, Outlook revived their ancient mid-2000s UI for us~ <-- so they're now serving old OWA by default for SeaMonkey's UA? 22:49:46 njsg: hmm, now that you mention that, I have a FF52 UA override for outlook.com 22:49:54 --outlook.live.com 22:49:58 tomman: recently I got the impression whether that old-style OWA was available depended on the exchange install, I already had access to it, others at other domains didn't. 22:50:36 indeed OWA is what I'm getting 22:51:58 if I remove the FF52 UA, I get the full fat view 22:52:18 ...on in this case, the never ending bouncing blue envelope because of the missing Chromeisms 22:53:13 yep, a FF52 UA gets you XP-era OWA, default SM UA gets you... endless bouncing envelope 22:53:22 I think I'll stick with the FF52 UA, thanks :) 22:53:33 whoever pulled that at Microsoft: THANKS~! 22:53:34 tomman: I can't say I know how do I get pagination from google. I noticed it breaking in image search some days ago. web search seems to be still fine? 22:53:37 older IS better! 22:54:38 njsg: hit the gear icon at the top right of the page, then on the sidebar that opens, select "Other config options" 22:55:02 again, click "other configuration options" at that page, then disable Infiniscrollâ„¢ there 22:55:20 it only seems to apply for Search 22:55:30 tomman: could the FF52 UA have been from around when I last checked? I remember some UA change made it load (but load the *new* UI, not the old) - Maybe MSFT changed it to load the lighter one 22:56:05 no, I had manually added the UA override last time it broke, it seemed to tell the Outlook webapp to load older scripts, or shims, or whatever 22:56:10 what I care is that (At least before this) /owa/ loads instantly, /mail/ takes seconds to load 22:56:12 now it just sends the vintage version 22:56:17 yep 22:56:18 so I prefer /owa/ 22:56:25 yep~! 22:56:37 (as in, at least before you had to change the URL to replace /mail/ with /owa/) 22:56:52 I'm not even sure I get configuration options at google web search :-D 22:57:30 nope, you can't disable Infiniscroll for Image Search :/ 22:57:31 And I can confirm, now FF52 UA loads /owa/ 22:57:57 (as does IE6) 22:58:26 * njsg wonders if the problem was actually IE6 support 22:58:48 as in, they were probably serving polyfills or working around some features, perhaps that wasn't enough for IE6? 22:59:14 or maybe they're trying to market themselves as better than google 22:59:32 I'm surprised they still have demand for IE6 support... but then, this is Microsoft 22:59:37 Microsoft Exchange-managed e-mail: your messages might get lost in the quarantine, but at least we offer a "simple HTML" version! 22:59:43 I mean, one of my _banks_ still relies on IE6 on their branches :D 23:00:08 there is for sure demand for IE6, microsoft's decision is just whether they care about it or not 23:00:35 but now this is going to be funny for Google, which is killing "simple HTML"... 23:00:53 And now that I recall, at least OWA works fine on non-IE browsers, there was a time where it relied on ActiveX garbage, and non-IE browsers got nothing 23:39:16 https://arstechnica.com/google/2023/12/chromes-next-weapon-in-the-war-on-ad-blockers-slower-extension-updates/ you so silly Gaggle 23:51:44 total maniacs