00:11:19 https://glandium.org/blog/?p=4346 FINISH HIM! 00:11:24 > How I (kind of) killed Mercurial at Mozilla 00:13:25 the backstory is very interesting for a dude like me whose interaction with VCS is basically " clone https://foo.foo/blah" 00:18:50 also looks like Mozilla repos are literally a disaster zone 00:19:10 holy hell, 350 thousand files!? 00:19:33 and that's just Gecko alone! 00:19:44 ah no, mozilla-central 09:42:13 mozilla-central is probably a good test case to try to improve efficiency in mercurial, if there's any room for improvement 09:44:09 a short comment on that, though: I think mozilla is moving to *github* not just git 09:46:54 (which appears to be mentioned further below but not at the top?) 20:10:01 Not sure when we are forced to follw but might be stuck on rust 1.73 for some time for macOS: 20:10:02 https://blog.rust-lang.org/2023/09/25/Increasing-Apple-Version-Requirements.html 20:10:27 quote: We want Rust to be a first-class option blablablablabla and more blablaba 20:31:47 Move! Fast! And! Break! Things!!! 20:33:15 "A total of 27 Mac system models, released between 2007 and 2009, are no longer supported." 20:33:40 translation: "why are you still using a 15 year old Mac? Why are you still using computers older than last year anyway!???!?!?" 20:37:59 At least some 2009 mac Minis with late Core2Duos would be affected which usually run fine. Not tested but not bad hardware more or less like the Thinkpad T500 X200 and up area.