njsgoooh, fancy, curlie.org does not set a background color?
njsgtomman: now it would be nice if they could put that info somewhere - yes, good that they've got it explicit in readable code, but maybe a message to the JS console saying "needs BigInt"?
njsgantiplatonick: network issues?
njsg(or maybe it's broadcom wifi?)
tommanquii.dev/HTMX_is_the_Future "stop writing JS webshit, use my JS-less webshit instead!"
tommanhow about no
tommanalso, 1993 called, it wants its "hypermedia" hype back
njsgJS-less? what does that entail?
njsgoh, it's one of these you-must-zoom-out sites? :-P
tommanthis guys proposes using something called "HTMX", which is basically Let's Add More Attributes To HTML™
njsgOh, I need to read more, scrolling through it sounded like reverse JSONx
tommanhtmx.org it's this
tommanwhich -surprise- it's Yet Another JavaScript Library!
tommanbut at least it looks like it's tiny (a few kilobytes) and claims IE11 compatibility, so there is that
tomman"How it supports non-JavaScript": with JavaScript, of course
tommanhowever, the blogpage claims it works even without JS turned on in the client