tommanoh god, Mega is blocking us again
tommanwonder what Chromeism they want this week
tommanfortunately they're nice for shipping unminified, commented JS!
tomman// Check whether we should redirect the user to the browser update.html page (triggered for Edge 18 and worse browsers)
tommanbrowserUpdate = browserUpdate ||
tomman? (typeof ReadableStream === 'undefined' || typeof IntersectionObserver === 'undefined')
tomman: typeof BigInt === 'undefined'
tomman// ReadableStream: C43 E14 F65 O30 S10.1
tomman// IntersectionObserver: C51 E15 F55 O38 S12.1
tommanyep, it wants BigInt why why WHY
tomman(ReadableStream can be enabled via a pref, and IntersectionObserver is already there)
tommanyay, Mega also refuses to work on JDownloader today
tommanthey're hellbent on either using a Chromeist browser or their own spyware crapp :/