tommanwhat the hell is this!?
franstamnjsg, lol @ ur comment coin lands on ms edge
GrannyGoosedunno why you'd go git when M$$$ owns it
GrannyGoosethough some opensourse projects still use git, like RPM an DNF an others
tommanthe problem really is that kids these days won't contribute to any FOSS project AT ALL unless if it is on Giggityhub
tommanbecause everything else is deemed "oooooooold and unsexy"
tommanbasically the Linux kernel is the largest outlier out there these days due to its arcane workflow
njsgI'd say a problem (not saying it's affecting mozilla, but rather that it might pop up in some projects) is people thinking other people "won't contribute [...] unless it is on [insert AJAX platform here]"
njsgand the use of that sometimes ignores the possibility people won't contribute (either by choice or because it is impossible) if it must go through that platform
jonadabThe last time I was involved in a collaborative dev project, we used git, and some of the developers hosted their repositories on github, but others didn't, and the official one wasn't, and the workflow for collab involved IRC.
jonadabWhen you wanted a branch pulled, you said something like "I fixed the STF segfault on my stf-segfault branch."
jonadabAnd the lead dev (it was a small team) would then look at your fix and probably merge it.
jonadabWe all had remotes for each others' repos.
jonadabGranted, this was several years ago.
jonadabThough I think the fact that it was a small team is the larger thing that sets it apart.
jonadabAlso, are there IRC channels where people don't idle?
njsgI think that workflow might be the intended one in git's design (not that it means it's the only one, of course)