tommanIn this episode of "The Death of Mozilla": techcrunch.com/2023/11/03/why-mozil…entralized-social-networking-future
tommanWEI is "dead"... which in Google jargon means "it will come back with a vengeance by next month, and it will be too late for when people notice"
franstamslow boiling of the frogs again?
frg_Awaytomman lets rename it to PWE privacy web environment and continue :)
MattATobinhey frg_Away did you ever encounter a time when the aero theme media query stopped working until you changed something in the code?
MattATobinby any chance
MattATobinon windows 10
frg_AwayNothing I ever noticed. I think with css last definition wins so maybe this accounts for it?
MattATobinyeah I am trying to get this redwood uxp branch going for interlink and for some reason the media query for the aero theme keeps returning false even tho that shouldn't be the case.. i am not running aero-lite nor a custom msstyle
MattATobini think it is something either sdk wise or vs 2022 wise and since today's uxp doesn't have the issue .. I can't actually produce a real vs2015 build environment anymore.. a specific update fails to properly apply and it is required
MattATobinsince you been dealing with more fallout from changes imposed than I have in recent years figured it might have been something you ran into
frg_AwayI am still prefering VS2019 over 2022. Still broken too but no time to fix. I read about something defined differently in the latest toolkits but I am using 22621 and didn't notice bad things under Windows 7 and 8.1. Builder is still at 19041. Should have kept a reference to the mozilla bug with the toolkit comment.