therube(without exploring further), a page like, github.com/RedyAu/ffs_hashgen/tree/main/bin, does not display its' files
therubeoh, & with Palefill 1.23 (extension)
njsgyeah, github broke file listing and text file viewing
njsgused to work without javascript
njsgnow doesn't work even with javascript enabled, I think. at least file viewing doesn't,
njsgsigh. s@,@&$@ ?
njsg(pardon my sed-regexp-ish moanings)
therubeand in cases where Doc/change logs are on github... bla. github.com/WinMerge/winmerge/blob/v2.16.34/Docs/Users/ChangeLog.md
njsgwell yes
njsggithub was already not a very good choice or interface
njsgbut it still was better than, say, gitlab in which things could be seen without js
njsgthen they broke releases/assets
njsgnow they broke something I think a few httpds can do out of the box for free: directory listings :-P
tommansome weeks it mostly works on SeaMonkey, other weeks it's real broken, other weeks it automatically unfcsks itself...
tommanstill better than GiggityLab that just BSoDs these days
njsgthis last change where I can't read files anymore (apparently not even with javascript, not that I'd enable it for *file reading*) is hurting my ability to try to understand one issue or another which might pop up in software hosted in github. Yes, I can checkout the repository, but it was helpful to be able to somehow browse the source, even if without the full power of grep
njsgalso, let me link a js-heavy interface...
jonadabI mean, you can always clone the repo and use local tools.
njsg(for js-less viewing: it's currently the first entry in oldbytes.space/@nGFX.rss )
CaptainTobinhi GrannyGoose
GrannyGoosehello CaptainTobin
CaptainTobinWhat's crackin?
GrannyGoosenot m,uch mate,m tryiung to get better, i aint been feeling well for about 2 m,onths
GrannyGoosewhat about you
tommangoose.icu/introducing-shadow NOOOOOOO~!
tomman"yo dawg I herd the browser is the new OS so I wrote a browser that runs inside your browser so you can stack overflow hard!"