MattATobintherube: THAT is the correct response. I shall impliment it at once!
norgocompiled yesterday seamonkey-2.53.18-beta-pre1 from source. Compilation went without problems but linking allways failed. Got no error message which helped me along. Suspicious to me a lot of icu messages. So I commented the mozconfig "ac_add_options --with-system-icu". Now the linking went too and I was able to build seamonkey succesfull.
tommannjsg: thanks for suggesting the UA override for Outlook (I'll forever call it Hotmail since my account is... @hotmail.com)
tommanalso looks like GiggityHub unscrewed itself with their last batch of framenotwork updates
tommanI can read files again
tomman(it was either some unexpected rollback at one of the 34234365 libraries upstream, or some Billion Dollar Customerâ„¢ complaining loudly enough to get some patch reversed)
CaptainTobinw1ckn1x i see you
CaptainTobinanyway hi tomman and ewong
CaptainTobinThe proliferation of BinOC shall commence.
njsgtomman: so it works for hotmail-tier accounts as well?
tommanI just added a UA override for outlook.live.com, and that fixed it
tommanused Firefox 52
njsgtomman: it grows confusing because they're, I think, calling everything "outlook" now, in my case I tested with what's probably the cloud equivalent of OWA?
tommanit's still called Outlook
tommanonly the account domain is hotmail.com
njsgsadly, I still can't access the quarantine, gives me an error if I use the overrides
tommanit has been that way for.... almost 10 years? I don't know when they retired the Hotmail brand but the accounts still work
njsgprobably because it'd be a very bad idea to break accounts because of changes in the marketing name
njsgbut this *is* Microsoft...
njsgthere's probably @live.com as well
» Myckel sees plenty of hotmail email addresses passing by from time to time.
njsghotmail is outlook, the software MUA is outlook, the exchange web client (OWA) is outlook, the non-free cloud offering is outlook