CaptainTobintomman: web developers aren't allowed documentation for web development unless you are on the latest version
CaptainTobintomman: don't worry i will eventually get mdn converted for easy display on a non-feature fucked site I happen to run
tommansupport.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/window…warns-me-use-microsoft-verified-app Microsucks please
frg_Awaytomman nothing new. I turned off block on first sight and similar permanently.
tommanyay Reuters
tommananother website that fails by deleting content if a Chromeism is not implemented
tomman> TypeError: 'root' member of IntersectionObserverInit does not implement interface Element.
tommanat least it's caught on a exception handler
tommanalso the console is full of litter!
tommanhow cute, it tries to detect adblockers too
tommanjust like Giggityhub, it only renders the page header/footer and a sidebar
tommanthe actual content? "You don't want to get informed anyway, go enjoy your fake news from social networks!"
tommanthe headline actually flashes by a split second, but unlike many sites, no amount of ESC mashing will keep it on display