15:04:52 no real idea what it means, but, GTK4: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=30421 15:13:48 basically a GNOME doesn't want to service non-GNOME apps, simple 15:14:18 "come up with your own toolkit if you wanna Wayland hard, but don't use us anymore because we're too busy Pushing! Things! Forward!" 15:14:46 ironically, a line they borrowed from Mozilla and Gecko 15:18:24 also remember that GNOME is on track to dump X11 by next year because they don't like dinosaurs 16:08:43 X11 version on Fedora is 2 years old 16:11:52 Eh, if it won't run on potato, it's dead to me ;-) 16:12:36 (Not actually true. In point of fact, I haven't attempted to run any distro older than Sarge for decades.) 16:12:53 (Well, one decade at least.) 16:13:04 (Which is like, seven decades in software age time.) 20:44:27 some will say that my Win7 is outdated. some will say i am outdated ;-) . 20:54:28 therube just updated my 7 laptop with latest patches. Still works fine :) 20:55:40 dinosaurs, unite~!