therubeno real idea what it means, but, GTK4: forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=30421
tommanbasically a GNOME doesn't want to service non-GNOME apps, simple
tomman"come up with your own toolkit if you wanna Wayland hard, but don't use us anymore because we're too busy Pushing! Things! Forward!"
tommanironically, a line they borrowed from Mozilla and Gecko
tommanalso remember that GNOME is on track to dump X11 by next year because they don't like dinosaurs
a-865X11 version on Fedora is 2 years old
jonadabEh, if it won't run on potato, it's dead to me ;-)
jonadab(Not actually true. In point of fact, I haven't attempted to run any distro older than Sarge for decades.)
jonadab(Well, one decade at least.)
jonadab(Which is like, seven decades in software age time.)
therubesome will say that my Win7 is outdated. some will say i am outdated ;-) .
frg_Awaytherube just updated my 7 laptop with latest patches. Still works fine :)
tommandinosaurs, unite~!