njsgif only they could just serve the content without javascript
njsglike that source hosting site did
njsgwhat was its name...
njsgah, github
ChipMasterI'm curious if anyone knows what the plans for SeaMonkey in relation to "Rust" are?
therubei know of a few chemical treatments that are very good at removing rust ;-) . cya.
ChipMasterI figure if FF is "rusting out" SM must be doomed to the same fate...
njsgChipMaster: re: the drag image (from GTK+3, I think...), have you played with nglayout.enable_drag_images?
njsgdisabling that should give you a smaller drag icon, hopefully that helps with not obscuring mailbox names
ChipMasternjsg: I have not. Where is it?
njsgSeaMonkey preference, so about:config or editing one of the preferences file with SeaMonkey closed
ChipMasterTHX! Trying...
ChipMasterUmmm.... this might void my warranty. LOL!!
ChipMasterWonderful! I turned it off and I can now see where I'm dragging to! There's a lot of stuff in here. This si going to take some time to see what I can mess with.
ChipMasterHey! Thanks for remembering I asked. :-D
tommanbitbucket.org/SmilingWolf/xp3tools-updated => looks like BitBucket is on the Chromeisms bandwagon too
tommanthe page "crashes" with a "Something went wrong" error screen
tomman"bad method definition" and dynamic imports, yay