03:26:28 GrannyGoose: sup 03:26:35 to answer your question 03:27:01 i want to know the manual build pre-reqs for windows as if mach bootstrap didn't exist 03:27:22 for central 03:43:23 dunno dude, all i can think of is a nice cold beer at the pub 03:43:55 nice day for it too 03:44:17 so i'll catchya later 18:26:38 GiggityHub broke again, yay 18:27:06 files will no longer show, only a blank page with header and footer 18:27:12 > SyntaxError: missing : after property id 18:28:28 m=class extends Event{oldState;newState;constructor(e,{oldState:t="",newState:n="",...o}={}){super(e,o),this.oldState=String(t||"") 18:30:01 it's some class definition crap I do not care enough to research right now, but yeah, they've updated their framework vomit again