17:32:49 Hi guys! I just wanted to send some "applause" your way. I've had a week+ to use SM as my email program. And it fixes all of the flaws I've had with Thunderbird and ones I had with SM in the past. Keep up the good work! 17:35:02 My only complaint is that dragging the whole row from the message list to the folder list obscures the folder name your dropping on. I'm retraining my self to make sure I grab the list of selected emails by the upper right of the first item so I still have some view of where they are actually going to drop. 17:35:54 TBird is much more intuitive in this one thing. 17:36:10 Thanks again for your efforts to keep the "Communicator" alive! 17:37:31 ChipMaster thanks. Yes the drag and drop is too large. One day we will find hopefully find the time to enhance this. 17:39:41 frg_Away: thanks! I'll eagerly await and update. ;-) Out of curiosity how much trouble is it to build SM? If someone wanted to lend a hand with the code would someone here be willing to point to the place to look to fix/improve whatever? 17:44:31 well if you build from the latest tarball it is a bit easier. If you want beeding edge you need to apply a huge patch queue. In both cases you need to set up an initial build environment. For Linux and Windows you can probably just checkout mozilla-central and do a mach bootstrap. Then check out our sources or use the tarball. Under Windows you need to use mozbuild 3.4 17:46:10 We have some build instructions on the website for Linxu. The latest Thunderbird build instructions should give an indication too what is needed. comm-central source builds but is broken. All changes done against 2.53 sources and then rebased usually by me or IanN for central. 17:46:18 I'm Linux. I realized in 2000 that 'doze was never ever going to get any better. 17:48:36 Thanks. I'll do some reading around. But really the I need another "time suck" like I need another dozen holes in the head. 18:11:05 Oh! One more note for someone's TO-DO list: If you start the drag to the folder list by clicking on the (ubn)read indicator, then the resulting drop also toggles the (un)read indicator. That seems counter-intuitive. But it is easy to work around. 21:18:49 For when ChipMaster gets back, perhaps setting nglayout.enable_drag_images to false helps as a workaround for the drag indicator? 21:19:03 (This drag indicator is another GTK+3 thing, isn't it?)