ChipMasterHi guys! I just wanted to send some "applause" your way. I've had a week+ to use SM as my email program. And it fixes all of the flaws I've had with Thunderbird and ones I had with SM in the past. Keep up the good work!
ChipMasterMy only complaint is that dragging the whole row from the message list to the folder list obscures the folder name your dropping on. I'm retraining my self to make sure I grab the list of selected emails by the upper right of the first item so I still have some view of where they are actually going to drop.
ChipMasterTBird is much more intuitive in this one thing.
ChipMasterThanks again for your efforts to keep the "Communicator" alive!
frg_AwayChipMaster thanks. Yes the drag and drop is too large. One day we will find hopefully find the time to enhance this.
ChipMasterfrg_Away: thanks! I'll eagerly await and update. ;-) Out of curiosity how much trouble is it to build SM? If someone wanted to lend a hand with the code would someone here be willing to point to the place to look to fix/improve whatever?
frg_Awaywell if you build from the latest tarball it is a bit easier. If you want beeding edge you need to apply a huge patch queue. In both cases you need to set up an initial build environment. For Linux and Windows you can probably just checkout mozilla-central and do a mach bootstrap. Then check out our sources or use the tarball. Under Windows you need to use mozbuild 3.4
frg_AwayWe have some build instructions on the website for Linxu. The latest Thunderbird build instructions should give an indication too what is needed. comm-central source builds but is broken. All changes done against 2.53 sources and then rebased usually by me or IanN for central.
ChipMasterI'm Linux. I realized in 2000 that 'doze was never ever going to get any better.
ChipMasterThanks. I'll do some reading around. But really the I need another "time suck" like I need another dozen holes in the head.
ChipMasterOh! One more note for someone's TO-DO list: If you start the drag to the folder list by clicking on the (ubn)read indicator, then the resulting drop also toggles the (un)read indicator. That seems counter-intuitive. But it is easy to work around.
njsgFor when ChipMaster gets back, perhaps setting nglayout.enable_drag_images to false helps as a workaround for the drag indicator?
njsg(This drag indicator is another GTK+3 thing, isn't it?)