16:01:17 "Private browsing ... users who want to start anew need to close all private browsing windows and launch a new one to do so" 16:01:19 i often wondered if that was "sufficient", or simply opening a new, different Private Window was OK. 16:01:21 i'm going to have to test the behavior (in SM) 16:01:23 https://nsaneforums.com/news/security-privacy-news/firefox-is-getting-a-button-to-reset-private-browsing-sessions-r19190/ 16:02:55 therube the most useless feature in a browser. They will track you anyway. 16:03:48 what's that Private Browsing? i don't use it for "privacy" reasons. 16:04:31 but if i'm opening a trash site, i'm likely to use Private Window. or if i'm testing multiple logins to the same entity kind of thing... 16:04:45 heh. even the link i posted, i opened in a Private Window ;-) 16:05:20 If I want to open a trash site I use a vm and the most generic browser possible. 16:08:03 had the weirdest thing happen yesterday. 16:08:05 i opened, https://www.costco.com/CatalogSearch?dept=All&keyword=candy, heh - in a Private Window (no less), & got a 'Secure Connection Failed' message (& the site did not load, obviously). 'Try again' also failed. 16:08:07 opened the same link in a regular window, & it loaded. 16:08:09 opened a new Profile & the link opened both in regular & Private modes. 16:08:11 (left browser open) 16:08:13 today, i hit 'Try again' - in Private Window, & no 'Secure Connection Failed' message & the site loaded. odd. 16:09:24 well, to me, Private Browsing is essentially a VM 16:11:52 I have been tryint o use SM2 days ago, and I have seen plenty of sites, not rendering properly, wrong locations of elements on pages, maybe in corellation with old Noscript, even I enabled important scripts.. 16:12:08 Any info on maybe SM3 web suite development with the newer Gecko and else.. ? 16:14:16 hopefully never ;-) 16:17:09 therube, for SM2 it's probably like that.. ;) 18:38:57 contrary to what was surmised above (at least how i understand it) - at least in FF 115esr, simply closing all "Private Windows" does not then allow you to have a "new set" of Private Windows. 18:38:59 from what i can tell, an actual browser restart is required. 18:39:00 as it is, i log in - Private, then close all Private Windows, then open a new Private Window, visit same site, & i'm still logged in. 18:40:22 so if FF implements such a "clear Private" button, that would be useful, IMO. (Now, given that it would happen, later, given that FF 118 won't even run [on my end] in Win7, i'll never see that feature.) 18:42:03 nikolam_: no, the path forward is to backport at least some of these newer features as needed, as that becomes possible 18:42:29 nikolam_: note that while the version is still 2.53.*, it already includes stuff from 60 and beyond 18:43:07 I don't mean everything, I mean some things are already in. There might even be things 2.53 has that 2.57 doesn't have. 19:15:06 looking again, it did seem to "clean up" - without restarting the browser, so at this point, not sure - unless something "leaked"?