16:26:26 greetings mrnhmath 16:27:52 hey Tobin|Laptop, you mentioned me yesterday but I couldn't answer 16:28:11 just saying hi 16:52:40 mrnhmath: once I get interlink situated and get borealis re-evolved to the state it was you will have a clear history of enhancements instead of trying to sort it from half a dozen failed repos 16:52:46 free to pillage 16:54:12 speaking of .. frg_Away my getting off xpfe work kinda fizzled and failed did you get anywhere in 2.53? 16:54:21 xpfe autocomplete* 17:15:31 Tobin|Laptop: cool. I'll see what I can do to help with the weird platform issues 17:16:28 it isn't a huge inital priority as i am really looking at the effects of everything in MCP/UXP because stuff just ain't right anymore and some stuff wasn't right when i was there and I missed it.. and that is never good 17:16:31 me missing shit 17:18:51 mrnhmath: if you remember the redwood branch i am using that for Interlink initally.. I think Borealis has a few issues as well but I need to go from the 2020 version to know it isn't something I did in the app src 17:19:48 likely figure it out by the end of the year at this rate 17:20:02 still needs to be done 17:20:41 and it could be valuable as the slow march continues in the hg replay arena for seamonkey 17:25:02 Tobin|Laptop: in the app/ dir? 17:25:26 well the application srcdir 17:25:37 not specifically where ns*App.cpp is lol 17:26:13 oh right, because I've been bit a few times by messing with app/ 17:27:26 also i remember -app being broken on 2.49, is that still an issue? 17:29:43 mrnhmath: just take Pale Moon's nsBrowserApp.cpp and replace nsSuiteApp.cpp with it 17:29:49 just makes things easier 17:30:00 same with the installer 17:30:22 tho you will have to add back some bits to support default associations with the mail client 17:30:28 so may have to hybrid that 17:31:10 do a quick diff to catch any mailbits but i don't think there are anyway 17:32:17 mrnhmath: parts of Pale Moon in UXP form orginate both from Basilisk and actually SeaMonkey via Borealis tho that is very little as well as parts of Borealis were taken from more evolved forms from Pale Moon 17:32:38 do NOT hesitate to just pull that crap it is totally within moztradition 17:33:11 and of course the license totally is for that 17:34:49 mrnhmath: indeed there are many very similar or even identical pieces of code that really should be made platform components becuase an application can always override the toolkit impl anyway because asking a bunch of people to keep nearly or completely identical code in sync over a protracted period is just.. well silly 17:34:57 maybe remind them of that 17:36:19 the other thing as well is while seamonkey is almost a xulrunner application it technically isn't especially with mailnews attached 17:36:31 and when i say xulrunner i mean fully xre 17:36:59 it is exceedingly close but just not quite even at the 2.53 level i believe but i'd have to check 17:37:40 Tobin|Laptop: li-license? we don't know about that :) 17:38:05 not that it MATTERS but one cannot expect that -app will work the same in something like the suite as it does in firefox without more work 17:38:27 mrnhmath: nop 17:38:50 especially since suite isn't DIST_SUBDIR 17:39:18 and it kinda can't be because of mailnews 17:40:29 so a xulrunner .xulapp mrnhmath will not run the same on your application as it would on Pale Moon (and drm/webrtc aside also Basilisk) 17:41:11 i would suggest instead reviving the true xulrunner stub or creating another one or waiting for me to do it at some point lol 17:41:27 if you wanna go that direction dude 17:45:05 do you remember why xulrunner wasn't working? 17:51:14 because it came from an earlier codebase and wasd never fixed up 17:53:22 so if you want to support xulrunner stub ability properly you would have to convert the suite editor and mailnews to be DIST_SUBDIR and make the decision between xpfe autocomplete and toolkit autocomplete one building on another not eitheror as primary default.. and then resolve how to make xulapp packages a thing 17:54:00 would also include mailnews as a lib again or in otherwords completing MOZ_INCOMPLETE_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE 17:54:25 else you won't have a consistant experience between all MCP-UXP applications 17:54:41 heh. so when "webp" first came out, i disabled /image.webp.enabled/. today, in my (yahoo) inbox, some images in emails are not displaying. so i check in a new Profile & the images do display there. & i'm like, why? so i compared prefs.js between the two, & as i'm reading down the list of diffs, i'm like, OH! heh. 17:55:00 WELL THEN 17:58:30 therube: it's so easy to miss on stuff like this, that's why nowadays I stick to platform defaults 17:59:15 well when the exploit came out, i thought safest would be do simply disable, but then i forget to re-enable 17:59:28 Tobin|Laptop: i think there's still a lot of value on xr, even more now that we're not bound to rapid release anymore 18:00:14 xulrunner works just fine: 18:00:16 Firefox30\firefox.exe -app "C:\WLIB\ChatZilla on XULRunner\application.ini" -no-remote -safe-mode ;-) 18:00:59 that is FF 3.0 not 30.0 18:01:43 mrnhmath: it did have.. just today i don't see much.. a better idea is one I am not gonna reiterate but if you find where i said it before i won't fault you 18:01:46 ... too much 18:03:40 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=656798 18:03:45 hmm 18:08:20 what relevance does that have 18:08:45 i explicitly idsable optimizing when enabling debug else builds take forfuckingever 18:12:06 Tobin|Laptop: none, just thought that was curious 18:12:34 taking a risk of optimizing issues away because SPEED 18:13:59 yes 18:15:52 mrnhmath: you ought to see if via athenian you can get calendar and the non-stripped down editor/ui moved to the platform codebase