09:46:14 SM does work again with live.com - don't know what MS changed 15:35:17 install 2.53.16 (an actual install, sandboxed, to e:/program files/seamonkey), open, wait a moment, quit, restart... 15:35:24 Couldn't load XPCOM 15:35:49 actually, XULRunner, Couldn't load XPCOM. 15:37:09 xul.dll, vcruntime140_1.dll, vcruntime140.dll, & updater.ini are all missing from the original (2.53.16) installation (directory) 15:47:35 https://pastebin.com/FdfsvMQK 16:06:44 it's rare i come across an Apple rant, but i found this one... interesting, https://freefilesync.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10715#p40841 16:12:29 I getting: Your SeaMonkey profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible and Im getting Your Pale moon profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible 16:18:53 https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/29/red_hat_bugzilla_jira_migration/ 16:19:13 didn't knew Mozilla had also punted out Bugzilla to a separate nonprofit 16:19:27 https://www.bugzilla.org/blog/2023/08/26/bugzilla-celebrates-25-years/ 16:20:19 "Zarro Boogs Corporation" 16:21:01 does that mean that Mozilla is no longer involved? 16:37:43 no it just makes sure mozilla's left ass cheek doesn;t know who's lips are kissing it 16:38:51 therube: you do know that the xre stubs ARE xulrunner just with specific instructions built in 16:39:20 that is HOW XRE works 16:39:24 vs XPFE Bootstrap 16:39:43 history is fun eh frg_Away 16:39:46 ripspin: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_cannot_be_loaded 16:39:54 how are you therube 16:40:30 ripspin: check Task Manager (or similar) for hung SM/PM processes. 16:42:41 therube ok thanks 16:46:52 still kickin' & that's all that counts. (when someone asks about my mother, i say the very same thing.) 16:52:16 therube I have restarted a number of times so it is not going to be a hung process 16:55:45 Mozilla needs to make money with something or they will be forever needing search deals. Turning all your products over to non profit entities won't help. 16:57:56 As for Red Hat IBM has ruined everything it touched and which I used. Lets see how long RH stays relevant. 17:01:48 ripspin: your Profile is presumably in a /otlouo9v.default/ directory. that directory being "relative" to "something". look for that directory, see if it exists. 17:01:50 --profile tells SM to open (or use) a Profile at the location specified by --profile 17:01:52 -P tells SM to use a specific Profile - as defined in Profile Manager (data stored in profiles.ini) 17:01:53 you can try, seamonkey -P, to open Profile Manager, & see if that loads PM 17:01:55 & from there if it shows your Profiles 17:01:56 you can try seamonkey -P otlouo9v.default & see if that works? 17:01:58 - i'm not sure if that is the correct syntax or not to use with -P ? 17:02:00 you can try seamonkey --profile /tmp/NEWPROFILE to open a new (or pre-existing) Profile - bypassing Profile Manager - in /tmp/NEWPROFILE 17:03:55 therube /root/.mozilla/seamonkey/otlouo9v.default/ is there, thev same as stated in profiles.ini 17:07:08 therube Im going to check it now, its on a different os, thanks for the help 18:45:10 therube: on your issue with restore from yesterday, I have no idea why xul.dll would not be found, but vcruntime140_1.dll is only present in build made using visual studio 2019 or later so if the backup was from a build built using vs2017 it is normal to not find this 18:46:31 WG9s I am doing the official x64 with VS2019 so it should be there 18:47:18 WG9s not a "restore", an update. & (yesterday) i was comparing a Release install/update against one of your builds. 18:47:19 Today, i (actually) installed 2.53.16 Release, & attempted update with that - which failed. 18:47:57 & in that respect, all my attempt were on with x64's 18:49:15 Ah so was an error during the update process. so i guess 1.52.16 was built using vs2017 and the update version was built suing vs2019. seems we need to account for that 18:49:52 WG9s no all VS2019 for some time 18:49:58 no, it's got to be something else, cause (yesterday) i also threw in & that also failed 18:50:12 to update correctly to 18:50:20 well then I don;t know why that file would not be prsent in the old version 18:51:47 expected files are there - until browser restart (to effect the update), at which point they're "deleted", but not replaced, hence SM then fails to run 18:52:01 unless it did not have my patch to package vcruntime140_1 if it exists in the redist directory but I think that landed long ago also 18:55:05 actually, the 2.53.16 install is untouched - except the 4 files mentioned above end up being deleted. 18:56:26 Well just for kickers updated a 2.53.17 under Win 7 x86 and one under Win 10 x64. Both fine. 18:58:38 odd. Win7 here. only other "oddity" if you will is my OS is on E: (which is quite normal for me). so when i installed today, i let it install to E: (rather then forcing it to C: or elsewhere) 18:58:52 Win7 x64 18:59:38 did my update log point anything out to you, https://pastebin.com/FdfsvMQK ? 19:00:20 NS_main: callback app file open attempt 1 failed. File: E:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe. Last error: 32 19:02:10 all the while, i have always had my WG9s 2.53.18 open, totally separate "install" location, so i don't see why that should have any bearing? 19:02:31 NS_main: callback app file in use, continuing without exclusive access for executable file: E:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe 19:02:32 ### execution failed 19:06:19 error 32 indicates that SeaMonkey might still be open. Seems shutdown takes either too long or hangs. Might be add-on related. Did you try in a new test profile? 19:10:06 tested with 2.53.17 -> - with all SM closed (to start with), still fail. 19:10:55 gtherubeI am probably not going to be much help here as only ever run my 2.53.18b1ptr builds and ealy usise Linux and hardly ever Windows 19:11:20 therube: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 19:11:22 in all of yesterday's cases, i tested with new Profile (using --profile PROFILE) 19:12:42 therube: i would look at task manger to see what is runnign and make sure there is not a seamonkey using the same progile funning 19:12:49 today, with an actual /install/ PM asked which Profile, & simply selected a "Lite" profile i use as a "get it open - quick" profile 19:13:10 no, been to TM, no hung seamonkey.exe or anything like that 19:13:30 if a hang during sjutdown what you are seeing would be expected. of course the hang during shutdown would still be a bug 19:14:03 as far as that goes, my Profiles are not in any standard location either (so not in %appdata%) 19:15:48 i am doing this in sandboxie. only extension (today) is NoScript. 19:18:10 i can replace those 4 files, Help | Apply Downloaded Update Now... & on restart i'm in the same boat - those 4 files are gone, update failed, SM does not load. 19:20:05 just tried, Restart Addons Disabled. i did catch it "building" xul.dll, but then it "disappeared", so it was wanting to do it, seemingly, but for whatever reason, it didn't? 19:22:33 therube: just to ask something stupid have you tried rebooting? 19:23:21 no. uptime, says "Error reading uptime". 19:23:35 might not be a stupid question, actually. 19:23:55 normally uptime is months, or more. 19:25:05 there was oddity though... i lost either IPv4 or IPv6, must be 4, i'm thinking. but... i've been fine without, for a while now. 19:27:32 not in a position to reboot. might try on a different machine, first my "normal" way of doing things. if that fails, then i'll try an actual "install". if that works... then i might very well need to find the time to update here. in any case, that all will have to wait for next week, as i've got to go in about 15.min 19:28:03 WG9s thanks for that "stupid" question. it just might turn out to be correct... we'll see... (in time) 19:30:36 also,would be nice to know exactly what is the version of Windows you are running as reported by Settings->about->Windows specifications. Thay would help in trying to duplicate the issue. 19:32:27 I guess it is actually Settings->system->about .. 19:34:17 it's me, it's me ;-) 19:34:50 at least updating on a different computer work - went from 2.53.11 - > 19:35:26 so... could lack of IPv4 (presently) have any bearing, perhaps? 19:35:37 OK so it is you but would be nice if we could figure out how to help, unless you are happy with just installing the new version 19:40:09 ipconfig /releaes /renew, but i won't have time to test further - till next week... 19:40:14 cya