06:55:18 If anyone would like to check, please check the updates. *Should* be working now. 15:00:42 https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/internet-speeds-by-country oh joy, another consumer of ReadableStream 15:00:55 no ReadableStreams? Have a blank page that for sure will load fast even on 300bps dialup 15:04:45 oh! enabling javascript.options.streams and dom.streams.enabled DO make the site work 15:04:49 wonder what can break 15:17:25 JamminUnit: what did you mean by "system-sqlite" ? different from sqlite3 ? 15:17:56 which does look to work (with a basic look, from what i can tell) 15:18:58 can (should ?) https://ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/seamonkey/ be include in the motd ? 15:19:41 therube: didn't mozilla remove system-sqlite (and likewise seamonkey) because their bundled sqlite is different from the original sources? 15:21:04 oh, i'd have no clue of specifics, i just download sqlite3 from sqlite.org, drop the .exe into my path & that's that (& rarely use it at that ;-)). 15:24:37 i know for sure with ZIP (aka, .xpi), that Mozilla diverged from, using obscure settings such that "standard unzip's" failed. 15:41:00 therube if you compile with system sqllite things might and did break in interesting ways. Sometimes needed changes in the code. So mozilla took it out. 15:42:30 One of the rare cases where I actually concur with them :) 17:09:36 System libs are awful, I will never understand those who feel the need to link the Mozilla application they're compiling to something like system ICU 17:29:04 Bundled libs are awful because you have to wait till vendors are fixing their bundled libs. 17:29:40 And sorry, I'd rather recompile one system lib than a dozen of applications that all use their own bundled crap. 17:30:21 Just look at the libwebp desaster... 18:35:40 In general, libraries that are used by a lot of stuff (e.g., libpng) should be installed system-wide and dynamically linked. Whereas obscure libraries that are used by so few things that most people will only install at most one thing that uses it (e.g., libjansson, opensrf) should NOT be. 18:35:56 In the middle, there is some gray area. 18:39:18 The exception is anything that breaks API so often that attempting to get all your software using the same version of it is an exercise in futility. The poster child for this is Python. 18:39:59 I have yet to discover a good way of handling that situation. 19:46:22 The problem is compatibility. Lots of these libs add stuff left and right without proper documentation or care about compatibility. If it breaks during compile time you can fix it. If it breaks because eg. optional parameter c is now no longer optional and using in code path y every now and then you have fun. Been there and had fun at least once with nss. In an ideal world I would love to... 19:46:23 ...have only system libs. 19:47:02 in other words, welcome to hell 19:47:20 vendoring is hard to avoid in monsters like web browsers 20:40:19 https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/26/cloudflare_fnnts/ piss off, Clownflare 22:44:06 so.. 22:44:10 wrote a thing 22:44:11 https://github.com/binaryoutcast/axion-build 22:44:18 frg_Away tomman 22:57:42 CaptainTobin do you want to use it as a replace ment for the preprocessor in moz.build? 23:15:18 no tho i am gonna port this version of the preprocessor to py3 so we all have one that still isn't slaved into mozbuild 23:15:56 This is still along the same research I have always been conducting into build systems preprocessing file transformation etc 23:16:31 This script tho was written as an expression of an idea I once had that I abanadoned because uxp took priority and this didn't serve it yet 23:16:52 i needed it again so i found and rewrote it and decided it should be a full on project 23:16:56 for the benefit of all 23:17:58 what am I using it for tho frg_Away .. config generation like i used to in 2018 because I don't HAVE to do flat file cause some wolfbeast can't deal with literally the same shit as being done in mozilla 23:18:01 true story 23:20:56 frg_Away: Are there preprocessor deficiencies or behavior you might want added to the preprocessor? 23:21:03 fixed/added* 23:21:15 I know mozilla has dropped a few features 23:22:45 the state my script is in now is topsrcdir plus subdirs but not full traversal and it only copies and preprocesses.. so I basically have the core concept of mozbuild that does some things without full traversal in 300 some lines 23:22:53 that's pretty neat 23:23:21 add custom commands some modularity and you could easily have yourself a full on build system 23:23:27 and That is what my eventual aim is 23:24:42 CaptainTobin I really take it as a black box. Suite code is simple and does not need more. For mozilla and the other stuff I just take the patches apply them and forget about them soon :) When the time comes that I have time to optimize this I am probably too old or 6ft under. But probably never unless more people show up porting stuff and fixing things. 23:25:38 just make a resolution that if you all quit it all just falls to me 23:25:49 except any outstanding debts 23:25:53 :P 23:27:10 but yeah I am CURRENTLY and REVIVED this thingy so i could get back to generating my configuration cause I am SICK of hand rewriting everything and I hate that I ever agreed to go back to flat file because of moonmen 23:28:28 frg_Away: the options for me was to continue stripping down esr45's build system or just write 300 lines and create the core of a thing I wanted years ago 23:28:33 CaptainTobin well I tried a central build yesterday and I am sure I will not take this code. Basically downloads the Windows toolkit and the msvc compiler core during a normal build . Gigabytes of stuff already installed... 23:28:57 what code is it? 23:29:09 oh yeha 23:29:10 i know 23:29:17 i did a trunk build of firefox 23:29:19 as an experiment 23:29:32 and it has lead to some twisted thoughts 23:29:34 frg_Away: 23:29:53 twisted xhyperxul (not-xul xhtml) stuff 23:30:15 Do you want to know how all that works? 23:30:21 cause it will piss you off 23:30:26 Well now counted 487 external rust carates as dependencies. 23:30:29 to no end if you still have any real love for xul left 23:30:38 ^crates 23:31:11 Hey frg_Away how would you like a seamonkey on central 23:31:20 it won't be compatible with anything 23:31:24 CaptainTobin I like xul and wish mozilla had kept it as the frontend interfacer langauge. All the html and xhtml stuff s*cks. 23:31:59 yes but I found a common point of reference that has a near perfect history from an fe developer's perspective of the transition.. 23:32:10 Firefox's Page Info Dialog Window 23:32:21 is almost untouched stylistically from its aviary toolkit design 23:32:44 CaptainTobin Credge now is so bad in 117 that I downloaded Vivaldi. Only used it in one Linux vm before. It is basically what a Central SeaMonkey would be. 23:33:32 I think there is more that can be done with the technology that is left and currently exists 23:33:43 plus a little help from some of the failed waterfox appstore plans 23:33:54 and their post-quantum bootstrap shims 23:33:56 https://ibb.co/pvfRQqg 23:34:09 If I need to give up this is the update path for me. 23:34:51 still won't help you update the fe 23:35:06 nope 23:35:30 what we need is first and foremost a xulrunner example 23:36:00 yes i know shut up it is still internally is a stub and supports -app to boot unless it was recently removed 23:36:21 someone needs to build a central app from scratch using current day techniques referenced from failurefox 23:36:24 frg_Away: 23:37:18 a non-firefox/thunderbird reference toolkit application 23:37:51 firefox and thunderbird are FAR TOO specialized at this point to reference dick without knowing the history and finding common points of reference 23:38:04 this was the final cost of the xul add-ons system being removed 23:38:20 today no one who doesn't already work on current day mozilla code has any idea how any of it fucking works 23:38:28 or even how it relates to what was 23:38:37 and I think this was intentional by some 23:38:44 to get people to STOP using mozilla as a platform 23:39:14 which has SEEMINGLY been a trend ever since everyone was kicked out of mozilla-central because you were all old and insecure 23:40:19 CaptainTobin well we are still in comm-central and building at least.