09:11:42 the thing is that sometimes there *is* breakage, I think there was one library Gentoo once allowed to be used from the system - cairo, I think - that wouldn't work well 09:13:39 using the system-wide shared library should be ok (as in: things will work with no crashes or graphical corruption or...) as far as it's compatible with the bundled library 09:14:17 meanwhile, I wonder if the statically-linked NCSA Mosaic binary still runs on IA-32 :-P 16:21:19 Things start to become nasty when projects diverge bundled stuff from their originators. Best example is sqlite in Mozilla. I am still grumpy that I cannot use system-sqlite in seamonkey anymore :-( 21:45:58 sqlite is a fair bit more complex than use system jpeg or something. 21:46:28 You can allow some system libraries without letting them run around doing really weird stuff. 21:47:17 The first users of libjpeg-turbo were on Linux because you could just compile the thing to use system jpeg.