hexnewbieI need a script on very huge page to execute while I go to the bathroom. How can I make it so I am not needed to click Continue on the ‘Warning: Unresponsive script’ dialog every two minutes?
tommanwiki.c2.com will only render two things here: a endless spinner, and "This site uses features not available in older browsers."
tommanOh, and this gem awaits in the console: "SyntaxError: await is a reserved identifier"
tommansearching online for that error only shows me that it also happens on some Pale Moon fork, and also Bug 1607050
franstamwat kind of fuking bullshit is that site using now
franstamsame behavior on pale moon
njsgI stopped even bothering clicking links to wiki.c2.com a long time ago
njsga longer time ago it just worked, as in: it was a web page, it had content.
njsgtomman: that's what I get... with NoScript. I somehow expected it to be richer with javascript, though :-)
njsgit's sad that they work this actively to drive users away
franstamopening with an infected browser, yields a normal page with some text links. nothing more or fancy
tommanso basically "rendering a static text page" is now considered a Modern™ feature in 2023
tommancan't wait until image codecs are implemented in JS