15:47:11 i've not looked closely... 15:47:13 fails: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/686443f2e892dbaa01eea988d54e99e6d4177e17daf388846ecfa798d8a2e3c7 15:47:15 Unhandled promise rejection among other messages 15:48:01 it "works" in Pale Moon, but also EATS cpu (at least for a time, & in particular if you attempt to scroll the page) 15:54:57 therube: thankfully VirusTotal has a vomit-free UI: https://www.virustotal.com/old-browsers/ 15:55:15 the rest of the site is borderline malware these days 17:26:29 StreetView has issues, yes; but these issues would not be resolved by eschewing client-side scripting. Quite the reverse. 17:28:05 Whereas, there are other sites whose use of Javascript is _entirely_ superfluous and _significantly_ problematic. Slashdot, for example, or Wikia/Fandom. 17:29:37 And there are sites that _require_ js to work when they really really should not, because they do incredibly stupid things like, instead of using standard form elements and a submit button they implement all of that using huge js framework libraries that basically amount to poor versions of what the browser can already do if you just send the right markup. 17:30:36 Or, worse, they send js that _writes_ the markup on the client side, when there is no actual reason to do it that way. 17:31:19 Literally the entire page in some cases will be blank except for js that essentially does one giant document.write() 17:31:49 When I see that, I move along to another site, pronto. 18:02:07 snake oil, https://arstechnica.com/health/2023/09/the-spectacular-downfall-of-a-common-useless-cold-medicine/