10:38:30 No, Google search doesn't have a 90% market share. Well, maybe in the English-speaking world it does, but not globally. 10:44:24 I mean, Baidu has more than 10% all on its own. 10:45:17 (And if you think Google uses underhanded means to get market share... Baidu has it outclassed in that regard.) 10:57:27 well I rather use google than an effectively state controlled censored entity. 10:59:29 The word "censored" falls so far short of what Baidu is. It's pretty much literally run by the Ministry of Truth. 11:01:09 I have tried to like DuckDuckGo, giving it repeated chances to produce search results that I could accept, but so far no dice. 11:19:25 Yeah you have ilk like yandex and baidu and on the other side basically bing and google. What you don't have is complete search results :) DuckDuckGo is ok for me globally but search for "local" stuff is spotty. 11:32:19 jonadab: my main concern is Bing, and as we all know the DOJ is very good at countering monopolies with their antitrust rulings (at least in recent decades?), so no way Microsoft has less than 10%. 11:32:56 main concern, re: the 90% figure 11:33:38 these days, though, the web search UI can easily become the main issue 11:33:57 when even if it returns results, it requires javascript for pagination or even to show the results... 11:34:03 or worse, has no concept of pagination. 18:40:12 and what, Korn on MS needed 'Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA)' ? 19:36:36 aside from the noise, if PM is affected by "webp", then SeaMonkey is too, https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=30284 (& i've got to assume that you're well aware) 19:38:13 https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=30285 19:40:01 therube Yes watend to patch today but was busy. On it next. Alreaedy downloaded the mozilla patch. 2.53.18 still needs some polishing so we might do a 20:42:47 therube webp fix added to 2.53.18b1 pre. Just need to see now if it compiles :)