02:49:01 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/at 02:49:13 another new one for the Haus of Shiny Web Thingsā„¢ 02:49:26 https://milkdown.dev/ => this.elements.at is not a function 02:50:21 ...but this one DOES look genuinely useful, unlike your average Chromeism 19:00:29 I have an issue 19:00:57 The Javascript function include seems to break on 2 of the options: http://paven666.dk/SharingIsCaring/include/ 19:01:02 with seamonkey and palemoon 19:01:16 sadly the best option of the 3 I found apparently seems to break as well.