NewTobinParadigmtomman: mozilla died long ago
NewTobinParadigmyou should quit now while you still have your life and somewhat of a choice
IsambardPrinceI must have missed something.
IsambardPrinceIf you have a job that's paying you, better stay put and save anything you can.
IsambardPrinceBefore the Biden Miracle gets you.
tommanteenage.engineering/products/tp-7 => won't render anything but a blank page
tommanconsole sez: SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified te013-18550e0b-9855-4ec1-a9ce-88594184d281.js:1
tommanand line 1 is... "use strict";
tomman...but that's old as dirt
tomman...ah, line 1 is that plus several kilobytes of minified vomit
tomman"Teenager" engineering, of course
frg_Awaylooks like class fields
frg_Awaybut private class members can be created by using a hash # prefix
njsg<+tomman> ...ah, line 1 is that plus several kilobytes of minified vomit <- Bertie Botts coding?
njsgmaybe those are the Beans of Javascript
tommanI guess the ECMAScript committee feared that if they brought the keyword "private", either Oracle would sue them, or it would offend someone, or some other baseless reason
njsg(logbot down?)
njsg(or perhaps it's the name that isn't resolving?)
njsgok, I'm chalking it down to DNS, gives a working address for it.