jonadabI mean, there are people out there still using .tar.Z if you can believe it. Somewhat more commonly, .tar.gz
jonadabCompared to that, bzip2 is practically modern.
tommanOK, I haven't seen a .tar.Z file in... 20 years?
tommanbut .tar.gz is still kinda popular for some releases
tommanhell, people STILL use .zip in 2023 despite 7zip being commonplace (oh, if only RAR wasn't a proprietary mess controlled by a pesky Russian...)
IsambardPrinceTor's admission that WASMs add attack footprint _on top of_ JavaScript kind of plays with the fact that I watch the Mozilla security reports each months and ever since WASMs were added, there's been about 8-12 CVEs I think, most of them High or Critical, per year, related only to WASMs.
IsambardPrinceI've disabled them in SeaMonkey. In case I whitelist something in NoScript _and_ it's not on my ubo lists. I don't want anyone to load a WASM.
IsambardPrinceThis is the sort of thing where they would be malware implants or buttcoin miners before they'd be something I tried to load.
njsgtomman: at this point I'd not be surprised Zip were the most portable option, just like FAT probably still is if you want to use a filesystem across different systems
njsgbut then, IIRC microsoft only added zip native support with Windows NT 5.1...
IsambardPrinceZIP was a feature in Windows Me.
njsgoh? native, not "plus!"?
njsgeither I never saw that or I forgot about it, I don't know Me that well but I've used it.
IsambardPrinceIt was optional.
IsambardPrinceJust to make sure nobody knew what the hell it was, they named it compressed folders.
njsgthat's also what it was called in NT 5.1, but perhaps the difference is then that they appended "(ZIP)" to that or something (I'd have to check...)
El-AurianHi, the SeaMonkey 2.53.17 Release Notes links to the beta 1 download rather than the final release
El-AurianAnyway, I'll leave it with you. Thanks
frg_AwayEl-Aurian fixed. Thanks for the report.