IsambardPrinceopenSUSE has ChatZilla in its own RPM.
a-865is that a problem?
IsambardPrinceI ended up dumping the XPI from the tarball in the /usr/lib64/seamonkey path.
a-865This right here is CZ running in Buc's 2.53.17 build on Leap 15.5, run from /usr/local/smcur/
a-865none of openSUSE's Mozilla builds installed on this Leap
IsambardPrinceI suppose I could dump it into /opt.
a-865Lotsa mozillas in /usr/local/ here:
a-865> ls -ld /usr/local/* | egrep 'ff|sm|pm' | wc -l
a-865ff=firefoxESR sm=seamonkey pm=palemoon
GrannyGooseIsambardPrince would be a better choice to dump it into /Opt imo
IsambardPrinceI set SeaMonkey to top post by default in replies to email.
IsambardPrinceWe lost that battle as soon as the top-posting Microsoft garbage became popular.
njsgIsambardPrince: no, it's still the same, two different worlds. Perhaps with a few more people thinking that it's lost, but it's still quite common to see bottom-posting.
njsgIsambardPrince: if bottom posting becomes a problem, you can expect the quoting indicator to become a problem sometimes too, with people who don't understand that's how quoted text is indicated in e-mail :-\
njsgEither way, Microsoft *deserves* to lose this war bigly ever since they invented the quarantine with "adaptive ML" or what it is that silently decides what to silently drop.
frg_AwayIsambardPrince if they do not built it from SeaMonkey sources it will not work. Needs updates. Basically dead upstream. l10n might also be a problem. The one in our sources is SeaMonkey only..
IsambardPrinceWait. I lost my messages.
IsambardPrinceWhat won't work?
njsgchatzilla from separate rpm
IsambardPrinceI'm using it now.
IsambardPrinceIt says chatzilla 0.17
frg_AwaylsambardPrince well then it is the internal ones. Makes no sense to bundle it seperately. Only causes grief if you don't update during SeaMonkey update.
IsambardPrinceThe XPI matches the one from the tarball.
frg_AwayProbably rpm dependencies set but still nothing I would do.
IsambardPrinceI wonder, why are WebComponents still off?