hycby the way, I was wrong. 2.53.17 still suffers massive lag. it just doesn't happen till a minute or so after startup
hycsomething seems to have changed in a recent ubuntu library update to cause this
njsghyc: re: protocols in chatzilla, I'd argue that, while you could possibly add some protocols, they'd need to be really similar to IRC to map well to chatzilla; but it could also be used with bitlbee
njsghyc: for IM protocols, I'd perhaps think of a separate IM client, as IRC isn't IM
tomman> Our silence is due to the fact that the Web Environment Integrity API is not being worked on in W3C, nor has there been any submission to W3C for W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) review.
tomman...until Google force-rubber-stamps it through W3C, as usual
tommanbasically the entire article is the first paragraph, then the rest is a copypaste of how W3C "processes" new "standards" in a ideal world