08:08:14 therube. This will be fun: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=30161&start=20#p242061 08:08:15 I'm gonna be taking opportunity of the fact that current SeaMonkey has long diverged from esr-52 code to make breaking changes like removing the Data Manager in favor of the old individual managers (while adding new ones) and removing support for DevTools, Lightning and Sync. 08:08:54 Must be a current SeaMonkey from an alternate universe or maybe just Tobins fork. 12:31:07 frg_Away: and yet half of the Internet still believes "it's based on a 5 year old Firefox version", and when I tell that it's not true anymore to people, they just CLOSED WONTFIX USECHROME DINOSAUR on me :P 12:31:53 speaking of which, bugtrackers also need a PUSHINGTHINGSFORWARD status 16:11:35 hola 16:31:17 hello. Got a couple of questions. Is there a way to put chatzilla on firefox or get a stand-alone chatzilla? 16:33:30 sorry for the n00b question, does Pale Moon addons work in seamonkey? if so, https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/ambassador/ 17:27:03 franstam some might work if they have the right id in the rdf. We bundle and updated ChatZilla so you will not need ambassador. 17:31:59 tomman even the old esr 52 2.49.5 still has the data manager and bundles Lighting and cZ. Sync has been disabled because was not working but not even taken out in current 2.53 where it is broken my mozilla changes for sure. 19:11:45 Swampogre is gone but, http://chatzilla.rdmsoft.com/xulrunner/ still works. I'm on it now :-) 19:13:34 is this supposed to happen, 1 line after another after another is down, https://twitter.com/kimdaceywbal/status/1688698835730575360 no wonder i had to dodge downed power lines on my way home yesterday evening (& why lines were still down this morning) 19:53:10 oof