00:07:01 OK, this is getting bizarro 00:07:30 started over with a COMPLETELY CLEAN search providers file: nuked searchproviders/, search.json.*, and any backup I could find 00:07:33 added my providers again 00:07:50 and... AGAIN, Yahoo AR is replacing Wikipedia EN JUST BECAUSE! 00:08:25 will update my other amd64 laptop to 2.53.17 and try with a clean profile there 00:37:38 Is there any realistic change of seeing a SeaMonkey "Quantum" in the future? 00:37:50 lolno :P 00:38:03 I ask because I'm not certain how feasible it is to keep backporting "select patches" from Firefox. 00:38:59 Typically this gets difficult the further along something you forked from goes. 05:27:22 [Friday 7:05:05pm] tomman and... AGAIN, Yahoo AR is replacing Wikipedia EN JUST BECAUSE! 05:27:30 Yahell still exists? 12:23:10 IsambardPrince We are well beyond 57 Quantum with 2.53.17 already. Quantum was a marketing gag and not a new engine. Code level is mostly at middle of 59 with some parts like the build system much later. 13:36:16 should "scroll-behavior: smooth" still have an effect with the smooth scrolling preference disabled? 13:37:37 it's not affecting scrolling with the mouse or scroll bars, but if I click on a link to the same page, it affects the scrolling to the target 13:37:57 i would think it should not but then perhaps the pref should be removed and it should all be css controlled 13:38:22 pick one and stick to it otherwise is just confusing to the users 13:39:13 either controlled via css or via pref but if there is a pref that should probably mean the css is ignored 13:41:04 so if smooth scrolling is turned off by prefs then smooth scrolling enabled via css should be ignored 13:41:47 the CSS should mean the page designer wants to control whether there is smooth scrolling, the SeaMonkey setting is useful as a way to enable/disable it overall. Now unless there is a "Let page specify smooth scrolling behaviour" third choice, yes, it sounds like one should just override the other 13:42:06 exactly 13:42:27 Maybe Bug 1087562 13:42:41 I guess the best solution here would be for CSS not to have smooth scrolling... 13:44:01 frg_Away: at least disabling the property in about:config fixes the scrolling 13:44:11 the property from that bug, I mena 13:44:21 of course this is related to should we still support 32-bit and low ram configs sith old graphics cards people turn off smooth scrolling if 32-bit or even if 64-bit low ram and also if old graphics cards that canot to this all on their own 13:45:10 everyone likes smooth scrolling unless they have hardware for which it makes the browser unusable 13:45:36 I've yet to find a graphics card configuration where smooth scrolling an animations aren't just annoying for me 13:46:23 I personally find it more confusing than just getting to the destination, too 13:46:43 and there's also the accessibility part of this 13:48:15 is this a facebook issue where facebook decides to sroll the newsfeed such that the thing you were viewing disapears? i don;t htis has anything to be with smooth scrolling this is about the facebook UI just sucks. 13:50:05 WG9s: no, this is clicking a link to an anchor in the same page 13:50:16 bug 1794328 13:56:24 WG9s: http://njsg.sdf-eu.org/tmp/scrolltest.html 14:03:11 seems like the matrix brige issues continue 14:04:17 I think it's being shut down 14:04:31 deadline for that was 1400 UTC 14:06:00 no deadline i thought was aug 14 14:06:39 or was it aug 11 i don;t remebwr but i think was ona date that is still in the future 14:08:20 "[Global Notice] The Matrix bridge is experiencing continued stability and privacy issues; we have requested it be shut down until they are resolved. Matrix have agreed to shut down the bridge no later than 1400UTC on Saturday. Feel free to ask further questions in #libera-matrix" 14:09:20 Announcement/notice was around 0000UTC... last night? I'm not sure I'm reading the backlog correctly 14:09:38 yes seems things got worse with less cooperation form the matrix side (i am sure matrix is posting is on the irc side) 14:10:20 so the breakage happened earlier thatn previously advertised becasue the matrix side outright refused to fix any of the issues on their end 14:10:54 like i waid were i on matrix i suspect i would get a different story about what happened 14:11:47 there was a dealine but eveidently matrix made it clear they were not going to change anything before the deadline so cutoff became today 14:11:58 I won't miss them 14:16:42 https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI all of my NOPES! 14:17:33 just what we needed, ActiveX Neo 14:18:24 tomman It is all perfectly safe. Trust me. Nothing can go wrong. And if done in Rust 200% safe. No lets make it 300%! 14:19:05 the matrix bridge deadline which they evidently expressed zero interest in meeting was Aug 11 so that is why was unceremoniously killed today. 14:19:32 they had previously agreeed ot fix the issues by aug 11 14:19:52 was a 2 week extension on the date they had previously agreed to 14:27:53 I have zero idea what the original vulnerability might be but seems the matrix end in being uncooperative in trying to fix whatever it might be 14:28:15 Who operates the bridge, Libera or Matrix/Element? 14:28:29 i have no clue 14:30:42 i am sure were i on matrix i would get a different story on the issue saying it is the libera chat people who are being uncooperative. 14:31:25 i think the issue is the bridge is supposed to be a cooperatve things where the two sides are not cooperating. 14:34:51 all was well but then something went wrong ant the two sides making the bridge were took adversarial positions. 15:25:15 here guys 15:25:28 https://dpaste.org/CRgxC/raw 15:25:48 don't expect anything don't ask for anything don't question 15:26:04 obey like a good dalek.. WELL IF I WAS A GOOD DALEK WHY AM I NOT VICTORIOUS 15:29:37 realllllllly gives you a sense of "well you should have known better than to come back HERE and rely on shit webtech to boot" 15:29:42 doesn't it? 15:30:50 the bridge is operated by element 15:31:08 libera only agreed orginally to a "couple of channels" a point they have reiterated 15:31:15 WG9s: 15:31:37 i agree that the likelyhood of service restroration in any form is low 15:32:49 libera doesn't give a shit they have the balls of most major open source projects they proved that when they pulled a reverse coup on freenode 15:33:11 i assume you guys would gtfo if it became nessisary 15:33:25 i would hope 15:34:20 since irc is the canonical location for activity for seamonkey you just went from hundreds to 38 15:34:35 granted it is likely better since someone keeps allowing me to speak but still 15:34:37 lol 15:35:58 basically like it or not I have made my self as much apart of seamonkey history as anyone else just by being here so that is kinda neat tho.. so not ALL bad just mostly 15:42:29 ... 15:51:05 WG9s: what happened was I started relying on it for BinOC and it fell down. 15:51:16 now there may be no actual casual link 15:51:22 but it DID occure that way 17:29:20 CaptainTobin well IanN is probably the one using it most. I have seldom seen controbution from other matrix users. So I can live with 38 who care a bit more about the product. As for freenode the new owner was just an Elon copy then. I don't think everything was as clear as water there on both sides but overall bon voyage and don't look back. 18:45:49 tested the search providers issue on a clean profile on a spare 2.53.17 setup: all providers stick fine after a couple restarts 18:46:12 in the meanwhile Yahoo Argentina _really_ insists that nope, I do not need English Wikipedia, but my other additions are OK 18:46:33 I even tried adding Wikipedia EN while leaving Yahoo AR in place - after a restart Wikipedia EN was.... gone 19:00:16 tomman maybe start in safe mode and change it there. Any chance you can use a debugger to see if you crash or assert during shutdown? If you have a clean repoducible case in a new profile I can check. 20:27:39 tomman: so that yahoo argentina replacement only happens on the existing profile? 20:27:55 On this machine I only have one profile 20:28:22 might as well test here with a separate one then 20:28:29 on the other setup you couldn't reproduce it at all? 20:28:34 nope 20:29:06 tried restarting the browser several times, and the search providers stuck as expected