00:11:11 Anyway, the Windows version of ZSwap is very slow and is of limited actual use. 00:11:32 It's also very likely using more CPU cycles than any possible benefit, especially on older or budget processors. 00:12:49 It basically boils down to this. "It wastes some cycles and maybe saves the actual user a few writes here and there to the storage device, but not much. You look and it hardly ever grows beyond a savings of 100 MB of RAM or so on a 16 GB system. 00:14:07 ZRam with ZStd is better because you can just say ZSwap to the full capacity of the RAM and as it shoves things that would normally be paged out, it grows and yet it shrinks. With 16 GB I've never actually had the systemd out of memory killer go after.....ANYTHING. 00:14:22 Much less any of the three or four different Web browsers I often have open. 00:14:37 Errr ZRam to the full capacity is what I meant. 00:15:06 As usual, Microsoft saw a thing somewhere and has a version of it that's hardly useful and wastes a lot of resources for what it is. 00:16:49 Old KDE saw dumb Microsoft things and decided to do those things. Like a combination web browser/file manager. But instead of the One Microsoft Way (sit there and leak all your resources until it BSoDs) they actually made it pretty cool. 00:17:49 Then Microsoft admitted that their method of integrating MSHTML into the shell was a damned hazard and stopped allowing you to open Web sites in it. 00:20:32 and now we don't open websites in explorer.exe, but build entire chat applications with a complete copy of Google Chrome, including a userspace Xbox 360 driver built-in :P 04:14:16 Well, something happened something happened and MPEG-4 videos play again on 2.53.17 in Fedora. 06:44:03 IsambardPrince: you can thank buc. He added some ffmpeg6 patches to 2.53.17 in Fedora. 19:12:11 frg_Away: so 1.71.1 works fine for 2.53 19:13:38 also can use cang-15 with either ld or lld as kinker still an issue with clang-15 and lld on 64-bit linux on redhat based systems cant find the X11 libs becuase looks in /usr/lib and they are in /usr/lib64 19:14:25 I presume this might be an issue also with rocky8 becuase I think it its redhat based 19:15:50 seems 1.71.1 fixes a local user sec issue https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2023-38497/ 19:16:48 wait 19:16:52 .18 is now stable!? 19:16:58 what... happened to .17? 19:17:34 tomman where did you see that? .18 is still b1pre and .17 is stable 19:17:49 WG9s: look at the channel topic 19:18:03 oh oop i will fix 19:18:24 is that better? 19:20:26 I guess IanN needs a brain transplant 19:21:05 my other comments about rust were meant for another channel, but if i were there I would not have seen this to fix. 19:21:11 nah, a time machine would be fine too 19:23:30 Topic Surfing the net has never been so suite | SeaMonkey Stable 2.53.17 | https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/ | SeaMonkey Nightly https://www.wg9s.com/seamonkey/nightly/ | c-c (OPEN ) c-257, c-253 (APPROVAL ONLY) 19:23:45 It pretty clearly says 2.53.17 is stable. 19:24:10 IsambardPrince: because i just fixed the topic 19:47:27 ok back after a reboot becuase my laptop had an issue 21:43:39 IanN[m]: ping