MattATobinI know for a fact fedora was upping ffmpeg because the person literally physically in charge of dealing with rpmfusion's nonsense is ALSO the ONLY persisting member of BinOC tho was largely inactive past several years as far as BinOC Operations go.. he didn't like Moonchild. shoulda listened.
CaptainTobingreetings seamonkey
CaptainTobinwow did I activate all the matrix or what lol
frg_AwayHi CaptainTobin
CaptainTobinwhat's crackin frg_Away
frg_Awaynot much today. 8h meeting some production problmes and just came home
CaptainTobinI am trying to salvage my orginal gre codebase for a security update and something to have while I explore your codebase and eval if Interlink can be done upon it.
frg_AwayGrab something to eat soon and then I see if something goes.
CaptainTobin8 hour meetings
CaptainTobinisn't that illegal?
CaptainTobinno one should be allowed to detain anyone for more than four hours..
CaptainTobinfor any reason
frg_Awayyeah. well short breaks and a longer one with snacks so all good.
CaptainTobinat a time btw lol
CaptainTobinneed a television with coax and composite i'd PREFER a triniton but my bank account nor my arms and legs agree.. so what would you recommend including lcd for 16bit consoles and the playstation 2
CaptainTobinsince I got my av box from indiana
CaptainTobinthis one appealed to me because of the brand and also the shit on the back ebay.com/itm/115774599791?epid=4820…h=item1af4b4326f:g:H7AAAOSw~UFkI0gO
frg_Awayfriend is into consoles but no clue what might work best. I still have my las 17" Eizo stashed away in the attic but tube free otherwise.
CaptainTobinwell I HAD a 480i component 32 inch crt capable tv in indiana but i couldn't bring it with me
CaptainTobini smashed it with a sledge hammer as you do with all dead crts
CaptainTobinor as good as
CaptainTobinlcds just aren't the same....
CaptainTobin32inch tho biggest crt i ever smashed
frg_AwayMy receiver and TV both handle 480i from old DVD player. But for console games I would ask in some retro group. There are converters out there which might with work ok.
frg_AwayMy last 32" TV died long ago. I think Grundig 899 50Hz or so. 100Hz were all crap then. Move to LG IPS then and never looked back. Retired my Barcographics 808 just 3 years ago.
frg_Awaymunch time bbl
frg_Awaytomman looks like everyone is happy with google WEI