02:28:34 They split the browser into a bunch of processes so Javascript can monopolize the whole CPU package and drain your laptop battery. 02:42:27 laptops?! Man, get with the times, where is your iPhone?! :D 02:42:57 (ironically webdevs dare complaining about Safari becoming the new IE because it refuses to march at the tune of Google... but only sometimes) 20:19:26 sup 20:19:56 so according to the theme resources.. it LOOKS like you left thunderbird alone visually so still australis styled 20:21:38 if i can figure out some sort of development strat to deal with your replayed orphan branches from hg.. i'd be good.. any suggestion? 20:22:37 cause frankly frg i dunno how anyone is supposed to get into working with the evo56 codebase from the repo provided 20:23:04 how can things be made better when comm-central can't even be built and that is where patches end up 20:23:27 and sure is nothing like this codebase 20:23:35 so i am legit asking how can one get started? 20:23:50 WG9s: 20:24:19 how can one get started today working on seamonkey and related platform code outside of loosing all your changes at the next orphan replayed branch 20:24:38 IanN_Away: 20:25:42 sure I have the facilities to track and replay my changes too by script thanks to my new gitpatch bash function but still.. that seems very tedious and doesn't sound very collaborative 20:26:45 IanN[m]: 20:42:35 CaptainTobin comm-central is building. Just not working. Any suite changes are uplifted to central currently after review. 20:44:22 so where is the defacto trunk for sm 2.53 and platform development then? 20:44:32 just adhocing it from replay to replay? 20:45:08 again it might sound like it but I am not offering any judgement right now I just wanna functionally understand 20:45:52 heptapod masters https://foss.heptapod.net/seamonkey plus the 2.53 mq patch queues. https://gitlab.com/frg 20:46:15 yes it is a mess :) 20:47:58 this is the same as the master on the gitlab.com versions which you branch i assume load up patches and it becomes the beta branch 20:48:01 is that correct? 20:48:10 Yes 20:49:18 hey 20:49:19 Will update master soon. Patch queue becomes too big. Just wanting some more js stuff up to 60 in first. 20:49:23 did you know this is a mess? 20:49:41 LOL seriously now that I understand it i can deal with it if not reproduce it 20:50:06 The scripts to apply to a git branch are here: https://gitlab.com/frg/seamonkey-253-patches/-/tree/master/scripts/scripts-for-official?ref_type=heads 20:50:44 I may refine the process.. your choice if you want it when i do lol 20:52:00 Apply to git not recommended unless you want something more or less static. With the mq extensions backporting and shuffling / fixing stuff later is really easy. Save me many days of rebasing and suspect the same for IanN. Not your usual software development cycle. 20:55:18 perhaps 22:42:05 https://milk.com/barcode/ the guy brought his barcode generator kicking and screaming from 1995 to 2023 22:42:15 good news: it no longer generates deprecated .xbm images 22:42:30 bad news: it instead refuses to work because "SyntaxError: illegal character" 22:42:48 because of some fancy new class syntax: 22:42:52 export class Barcode { 22:42:53 /** @type {boolean} Short height? */ 22:42:55 #short = false; 22:44:38 the hash character is triggering stuff here, now, since when # is valid syntax!? 22:45:23 https://tc39.es/proposal-class-fields/ oh, this vomit 22:45:47 https://stackoverflow.com/a/56195678 22:45:57 "private instance fields" 22:46:44 and since cloning Java for once was too much for the ECMAScript committee, let's instead use a meaningless character to designate private fields since LET'S MAKE JAVASCRIPT GREAT AGAIN 22:46:46 gud jorb guyz!