15:58:02 https://www.bancoactivo.com/ one of my banks is just Disrupting™ with a rebranding 15:58:04 "SyntaxError: bad method definition" 15:59:14 it's somewhere in this soup of junk: function aR(a,b,c){let d=a-1;return c&&d<0&&(d=b),d}var aS="undefined"!=typeof window?i.useLayoutEffect:i.useEffect,aT=a=>a,aU=class{descendants=new Map;register=a=>{if(null!=a)return aP(a)?this.registerNode(a):b=>{this.registerNode(b,a)}} 15:59:36 all I can read is a box with "Moving Together To The Future" 15:59:55 yeah stupid bank, if only you bothered fixing your goddamned ATMs instead of Pushing! Things! Forward! 16:01:59 at least they didn't touched their homebanking portal (last refreshed in 2016), aside of colors and logos 16:47:17 I'm not sure that's forward, given the goals of the web and html, it likely is *backward*. 23:32:19 just updated to the latest nightly build today, any noteworthy changes I should be aware of? 23:35:16 https://rupertbenwiser.github.io/Web-Environment-Integrity/ the latest (and most evil to date) Chromeism: "Web Environment Integrity" 23:35:51 AKA "user agent attestation" AKA "this website will only open on unmodified signed official builds of Chrome" 23:35:57 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36778999 23:37:02 banks and Hollywood are going to love this