tommanbancoactivo.com one of my banks is just Disrupting™ with a rebranding
tomman"SyntaxError: bad method definition"
tommanit's somewhere in this soup of junk: function aR(a,b,c){let d=a-1;return c&&d<0&&(d=b),d}var aS="undefined"!=typeof window?i.useLayoutEffect:i.useEffect,aT=a=>a,aU=class{descendants=new Map;register=a=>{if(null!=a)return aP(a)?this.registerNode(a):b=>{this.registerNode(b,a)}}
tommanall I can read is a box with "Moving Together To The Future"
tommanyeah stupid bank, if only you bothered fixing your goddamned ATMs instead of Pushing! Things! Forward!
tommanat least they didn't touched their homebanking portal (last refreshed in 2016), aside of colors and logos
njsgI'm not sure that's forward, given the goals of the web and html, it likely is *backward*.
tommanjust updated to the latest nightly build today, any noteworthy changes I should be aware of?
tommanrupertbenwiser.github.io/Web-Environment-Integrity the latest (and most evil to date) Chromeism: "Web Environment Integrity"
tommanAKA "user agent attestation" AKA "this website will only open on unmodified signed official builds of Chrome"
tommanbanks and Hollywood are going to love this