14:40:43 know what there is very little of except for xpcom bindings in 1.8? python.. BUT there is a fuck ton of ancient perl 14:41:06 i dunno if that is better or worse lol 14:41:33 no.. silly of me.. perl is ALWAYS worse.. 14:42:19 I feel about perl as our old long lost friend the_bot felt about C++ 14:57:25 ancient Perl? Quick, someone call JWZ! :D 14:58:21 man i love jwz least 2000s jwz.. i figure by now he lost his mind like the rest but i can fondly remember reading those old mozilla html pages some I reference to this day.. namely fear.html 15:01:07 and now he doesn't want to touch a Mozilla product at all :/ 15:01:31 to be fair.. march 19th 2022 i said the same damn thing 15:01:58 i never want to ever work with a mozilla codebase or mozilla technology again 15:02:01 i said that 15:02:28 and it lasted about 14 hours until pseudo-anon convinced me not to completely give up 15:03:17 someone has to resist the New IE, er, Google monopoly... and of course the answer is _not_ "Safari" 15:08:16 well that someone isn't me not with a web client .. HOWEVER remember both netscape technology and mozilla technology is NOT strictly The OpenWeb(tm) nor the World Wide Web of old.. it is more than that 15:08:45 as far as the html engine wars? we lost the moment the pandemic started 15:10:30 I thought we lost the moment Microsoft gave up with IE and switched to Chredge... 15:12:08 as a collection of basically mozilla rejects who can barely speak with one another let alone work together our barely acceptable ability to overcome that to a degree was the ONLY thing keeping us in the war .. the pandemic socially and economically and continued politically fucking everyone leaving a bunch of outcast pissed off mozfreaks unable to stand the old normal let alone the intended new normal.. is it any surprise that 15:12:08 the last of us are continuing to fall and the only ones left MUST either be taken out or end up victorious 15:13:45 but as they say.. you need to be an agile programmer.. well I lost over a hundred pounds of angry fat.. surely I am more agile than ever! 15:15:01 HOWEVER I think servo and webkit are gonna rise to take chromium down.. I just dunno which way microsoft will go 15:15:38 since engine jumping for them is now an established practice they could jump to webkit, or servo, or stick with chrome for a defacto duopoly 15:16:07 it will be interesting to see but whatever browser war started with chrome and the iphone .. we lost that war.. ALL of us did.. 15:16:14 and we lost it in 2020 15:17:55 but the browser war is a never ending war so a new front will open up and should we survive long enough we may do better in the next one due to heat up in the next 3-5 years 15:18:01 2-4 really 15:19:42 My plan is simple: the day Mozilla dies for good (and by extension, forks like ours), that's the day I'm qutting computers forever 15:20:07 and yes, I'm dead serious on that. It helps that I already avoid like 95% of the "modern Internet" (read: social networks and Chromeisms) 15:20:49 i am working on a workaround for that because I am roughly in the same boat but for more functional reasons than most 15:21:20 also the /CAPTAIN/ needs to cut down on the bullshit-but-almost-certainly-true prediction shit.. it is depressing. 15:25:57 Like I said, I am not JUST trying to keep uxp .. functioning as the potentially re-dubbed Grandiose Runtime Environment (haven't decided yet), I am unlocking the secrets to core NETSCAPE technology including xpfe, I am gonna fork a very stripped down trinity desktop core and evolve it up to where it needs to be.. Not gonna do a k desktop environment but I am gonna do a BinOC Desktop Environment and Software Collection likely overlayed into a 15:25:57 setup of otherwise normal system.. But chosen and configured and tested to be a good traditional but not stuck in the past series of older environment variations on the desktop metaphore.. in a way these free-form plasmaoid bastards can't 15:27:21 a fettered and bound Tobin thinks of a navigator-only.. Tobin Unbound will do a pseudo-distro 16:09:28 I am going back to a comm setup 16:46:18 https://ghostarchive.org/archive/b2bkE 16:46:20 "Sorry, ReplayWeb.page won't work in this browser as Service Workers are not supported." 16:46:44 the only Service Workers I know here are the good-for-nothing ones working for the state utilities :D 16:46:59 "(Service Workers are disabled in Firefox in Private Mode. If Using Private Mode in Firefox, try regular mo"