IsambardPrinceSwampogre Hi. I mentioned this earlier today, first day I've run v. 2.53.17beta1. Facebook page doesn't display and I get this error msg: Your Request Couldn't be Processed
IsambardPrinceLuckily two of the Social Control Media sites with a lot of nasty code are busy blowing themselves up.
IsambardPrinceFacebook and Twitter. Thanks to Elon now you can't casually browse it while you aren't logged in, so it's even more worthless to the remaining advertisers, who can demand lower rates.
GrannyGooseyeah i noticed that days ago, i am blocked from someone but i cant use private Browsing to see his tweets
GrannyGoosenot that its a Big Deal beinbg blocked from him as he barely replies to any tweets
GrannyGoosebut i hear a lot of people are having issues with " Spaces "
GrannyGoosethose idiots that Pay for twitter
njsgtwitter has reportedly pulled a cloudflare upon themselves, as in, the twitter web interface reportedly is/was DDoSing twitter.
tommanrelevant: zedeus/nitter #919
MattATobinHappy the Fourth of July frg grannygoose tomman and everyone else even tho most of you aren't american
tommanMattATobin: close: tomorrow is Independence Day here in Venezuela
tomman(although these days it's largely symbolic due to... current affairs)
frg_AwayMattATobin Happy 4th of July
therubeSeaMonkey also affected, forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=29973
therubespeaking of the 4th... i am generally "out of the news" & if the world ended, i really wouldn't know it...
therubeso this morning, on the way to work, ALL these cars are lined up, one after another, & as i go further, i see they're lined up waiting to get into the gas station. & with that, i think - what's up with that? maybe we're at war, or some such? but then i saw the gas price at the station, $1.77 USD (vs $3.20 something or the other that it would normally be).
tommanour cars line here for gas, but that's because we have no gas :/
therubeLOL. So i changed by computer date, bluefive.pairsite.com/beyondo.htm. i do that regularly when i need to "back date" something. like i was doing some "back" payroll work. & in the process of doing that, i went & did an online payment (transfer) of $$ to someone's account. forgot to change my computer date (back). BankOfAmerica didn't complain about that. & the online...
therube..."receipt" shows, "06/30/2023, confirmation number: qzh5jv1z0". heh. it shows my back dated date, from my computer, rather then today's date.
MattATobinevery fucking time.. libera.chat/news/matrix-irc-bridge-updates
MattATobinI seriously cannot win.
MattATobinthat affects this place too btw
therubehmm. greek to me.