13:35:02 so far linux 64-bit workedwith new rustc, but then lsttimeit wasa windows issue 13:36:49 but seems I was correct when I said it seemed more like an llvm issue. turns out they built 1.68.0 for sindows 64-bitusing an experimenatl llvm thing called Thin Link time optimization or Thin-LTO and the issue was to just not do that. 13:38:18 clang seemsto now be build starting with clang17 using Thin-LTO and these rust people should have followed their lead and wait till clang17 was out so would be linking with the version they thought ready for prime time of llvm. 13:46:55 hmm meant all of those for a different channel. too late now. 22:26:19 any good extensions? 22:28:21 Guest8910: depends, what you're looking for? 22:29:50 Remove garbage from URLs 22:30:17 email end-to-end encryption 22:30:42 Redirector 22:31:03 Context Search 22:31:22 userscript manager 22:31:51 User-Agent Switcher 22:32:34 for redirects I use a patched version of Redirector 22:32:37 URL Tracking Stripper 22:32:47 haven't bothered installing something to switch UAs, but I should do it someday... 22:34:43 chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/redirector/ocgpenflpmgnfapjedencafcfakcekcd for SeaMonkey? 22:39:51 addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/redirector -----> addonconverter.fotokraina.com ? 22:42:34 nope, that version won't convert 22:42:35 Redirector 3.0.6 by Einar Egilsson 22:43:01 I'm using a converted version of 2.9.3 22:44:48 github.com/JustOff/ca-archive ?: recommend? 22:47:05 Guest8910: https://we.tl/t-ajYxX2X4uR this is my patched build of Redirector 22:47:43 for dealing with broken webjunk, use Palefill... but later versions are no longer compatible with SM 22:47:50 https://github.com/martok/palefill/releases/download/v1.23/palefill-1.23.xpi use that one and disable autoupdates for it 22:48:23 "converted version of 2.9.3" where did you get it and what did you use to convert it? 22:48:26 hmmm, haven't used that archive 22:49:09 Guest8910: I did got from am archived link, used addonconverter.fotokraina.com to deal with most of the breakage, and had to fix a couple things by hand 22:49:29 any later version is a WebExtension addon, and there is no way to convert those 22:52:38 so archive.org then addonconverter.fotokraina ? 22:57:11 or you can take the original version, mine, and diff them~ 23:11:10 thanks