tommanThe Broken JS of the day: app.airframes.io
tommanapparently ADS-B Exchange is having its very own Freenode Momentâ„¢, and kids are fleeing to airframes.io
tommanbut... it breaks here with a new error (to me): SyntaxError: missing : after property id chunk-vendors.bcdacea1.js:1:706
tommanpart of the line in question looks like this: class n{decoder;name="unknown";defaultResult={decoded:!1,decoder:{name:"unknown",type:"pattern-match",decodeLevel:"none"},formatted:{description:"Unknown",items:[]},raw:{},remaining:{}}
tommanI am lost there as I have no idea on JS class syntax (Classes?! In my JavaScript!? The world must be nuts!)
franstamtomman, SyntaxError: missing : after property id in ur airframes.io site
CaptainTobinok frg_Away the part of you that leans to want to think about agreeing with the modern web is gonna hate me for this.. but i been doing a bit more poking of traditional nsMozilla methods of xul templates using and even querying rdf datasources and quite frankly it is fuckin cool as hell
frg_AwayCaptainTobin When it comes to coding I am hating no one. Just becuase a bit more pragmatic over the years and don't think some things aren't worth it if no one or only a few care about it. Would probably still be on OS/2 otherwise :)
CaptainTobinwell rdf datasources in xul templates takes a lot of work out of the equasion
CaptainTobini can say that
CaptainTobinit is just cool technology
njsgthere was a thing with flash and video indeed, to the extent it seemed for some flash was a video delivery platform
njsgeven if it had other uses besides videos
njsgAnd yes, I think NoScript will at least block OBJECT, even if the underlying media type wouldn't be blocked otherwise (still images, for example)
a-865frg_Away: when did you last use OS/2?
CaptainTobinwell objects aren't scripts lol they should be managed from a seperate mechism