12:06:48 hey 13:05:45 You know why Bitchute is not working in SeaMonkey? 13:09:16 Timestamp: 12.12.2022, 14:05:54 13:09:18 Error: SyntaxError: invalid regexp group 13:09:19 Source File: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/plyr/3.6.9/plyr.polyfilled.min.js 13:09:21 Line: 1, Column: 104691 13:09:22 Source Code: 13:09:24 ^.*(?:vimeo.com\/|video\/)(?:\d+)(?:\?.*&*h=|\/)+(?[\d,a-f]+) 17:16:08 So guys I have issues with Bitchute, Youtube and Facebook in Seamonkey, might be using a little older version as it is portable. 17:16:12 on Windows 7 17:16:22 I know it is probably not your fault... 17:16:30 but... it is an issue :/ 17:16:40 I can't video on Bitchute, Youtube make an error 17:16:48 and Facebook can't write and such. 19:44:49 So I been thinking of a way to nudge webdevs into at the very LEAST making public read-only content always accessable.. the vague idea behind an initiative would set aside social media and complex webapps.. Those are lost to all of us in trying to convince.. BUT if we can start nudging people into making public "dumb content" always accessable then that is at least a nudge in the right direction 19:45:47 AND it is something every last one of us in the community web client sphere can agree on.. 19:47:38 you'd have to be pretty pig headed to disagree with such a new initiative and awareness spreading for the right to view public web content without being technologically encumbered.. But it won't even be that extreme.. cause put like that it sounds like one of the gnu wackjob initiatives like no js ever or only gnu js or some shit 19:48:45 Basically the counter to the "OpenWeb" is the "AccessableWeb" 19:51:35 you could even attach handicapable (or whatever the PC term is now a days) because opague technologically encumbered googleweb makes it even more difficult for those with handicaps and stuff because even providing accessablity in community web clients relies on the web not being fucked 19:53:55 I need to explore the state of accessibility in the runtime to see if I can provide those features again.. likely pretty bitrotten given Wolfbeast's position on accessability tools.. which has always been.. not his problem 21:44:58 I see. 21:45:00 ok 21:45:07 That's fine. 21:47:59 I'd say one of the biggest challenges is convincing people who will dismiss our attack you if you even dare suggest the web can be used without javascript, the kind of people who do that, not because they don't care, but because they believe everyone should have a similarly capable js runtime environment 21:48:40 one bigish sector that'll be harder to convince is probably corporate. 21:48:57 I'd say it's not counter "OpenWeb" or "AccessibleWeb", it's counter the web, period.