04:37:12 njsg: i doubt seamonkey project will incure the wrath of the clowns.. but if they needed to be able to take on all the requests them selves then they could get a 10 dollar vps from afterburst behind cf with it heavily caching relevant files 04:37:36 now i wouldn't recommend that as the only point of access but it would get em started if they needed to in a hurry 04:37:39 is all njsg 06:05:53 Is there any binaries for trunk builds? 06:06:05 I'm too lazy to compile it 09:51:32 Imesser[m] https://www.wg9s.com/comm-253/ 09:51:45 or https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/nightly/ 19:58:28 https://techcrunch.com/2022/12/01/mozilla-acquires-the-team-behind-pulse-an-automated-status-update-tool-for-slack/ 19:58:34 in other dumb Moz://a news... 19:58:45 ...oh, that won't render on SM 19:59:10 or will render for a second, before the broken Javascripts kick in and try to rewrite the page because CHROME SAYS SO 19:59:30 (hit ESC fast enough and you'll be able to read the page, or run a script blocker) 19:59:52 https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/pulse-joins-the-mozilla-family/ 20:07:50 They seem to bet the farm on ml lately. I am quite sure this will not bring in the dough but makes good press releases which translate into a bigger bonus for baker. 20:11:13 > “But there’s hundreds of signals, and the thing we realised was status is not just ‘availability,’ it’s actually a way to communicate empathy.” 20:11:15 Translated: It is unneeded fluff 20:11:24 maybe they're betting on ML to sack the remaining coders and let the browser write itself? :D 20:12:50 > the company abruptly announced in late October that it was shutting down. 20:12:52 Translated: investors found out that it was fluff and cut funding :) 20:13:42 tomman sounds like plan B 20:14:26 hope AI/ML ever reaches a point where it figures out that CxOs are unneeded fluff too~ 20:14:40 but then that day Skynet will awake and WE ARE ALL DOOMED YAY~! 20:15:22 wonder if someone still left at MZLA reminds what was their core product/competence... 20:20:26 do they still have a core competence? 20:38:08 Well doing a browser only does not pay the bills unless you are google funded or have other income. They work on the other but what they also work on is mostly an agenda. 20:58:56 what Mozilla needs (aside of a steady revenue stream that isn't "Google") is effective leadership, not pivoting into a Silly Valley scam startup 20:59:31 offering paid support for enterprise users, consulting services, maybe even a VPN are good ideas 21:00:05 offering Slack plugins or paid browser addons nobody wants are not 21:00:23 scam startup is easier to find than good leadership so lets go with this first :) 21:00:36 "scamtup" 21:01:22 but I suspect that since a browser is a core part of the free web and that the Internet is now a basic utility rather than a luxury, the dreaded "G" word should get involved 21:01:27 "G" as in "government" 21:01:52 but then What Could Go Wrong?™ 21:02:13 hold the rocks! *ouch* 21:03:56 tomman btw. didn't grasp the bit in the log about high end systems but SeaMonkey runs fine for me on an old Core2Duo Thinki with 4GB. 21:04:36 my Inspiron 6400 has a C2D T7200 with 3GB 21:04:57 SeaMonkey runs decently there as long as it doesn't hit a deep JavaScript minefield 21:05:26 I am starting to feel the crunch on I/O, tho - hope 2023 is finally the year I leap into solid storage~ 21:06:34 tomman These are so so. Like the T60. Can not go above 3GB and run hot. T61 with a T8100 or T8300 is much better. 21:06:48 mine actually runs very fresh 21:06:57 I just have to dust off the fancooler once every 5 years or so 21:07:24 only the GPU runs toasty (Radeon X1400), but locking it into low performance mode helps (although sometimes it stalls under Linux) 21:07:38 but yeah, the 3GB limit of the i945 chipset hurts 21:11:32 T60 has the same setup. GPU driver s*cks under Windows. Might do better under Linux. 21:14:08 The X1400 requires modded drivers for W7 due to ATi/AMD refusing to release driver packs for mobile GPUs (and I'm not aware of any OEM releasing W7 drivers for it) 21:14:27 but there ARE WHQL'd signed drivers for it on Windows Update Catalog 21:14:42 (never tried them as they are drivers only, not the full Catalyst package) 21:15:08 some people made them work under W8, but W10 seems to be a no fly zone 21:15:58 under Linux they're supported by the FOSS Radeon drivers, but power management can be primitive (video glitches when switching performance levels, risk of random hangs on low performance modes) 21:16:13 support for old ATi GPUs under Linux has aged pretty badly 21:17:29 on the flip side, on the 6400 the GPU is on a (proprietary) removable card, so if yours die (and mine has already cooked two), you can simply replace it instead of a costly mobo replacement (or worse: a BGA reflow) 21:18:34 BUT! that only applies to 6400s which were ordered with discrete GPU - Dell sold those with the Intel IGP too, and on these models the mobo lacks the proprietary PCIe slot connector for the GPU (the pads are there, but the connector is not soldered) 21:19:23 conversely, if yours had the discrete GPU and it dies, you can't simply fall back to the IGP, as the LVDS connector is missing on the motherboard for these - you MUST replace the GPU card, or switch to a IGP mobo! 21:20:20 the mobo is exactly the same otherwise, and I suppose that a talented hacker with mad soldering skillz can hack around this artificial restriction :D 21:20:43 tomman yes 10.2 modded drivers for Vista. I thought they were better under Linux. For Windows I stopped buying AMD. Crap all around these days. Only bought a used RX480 for the dual boot backup server. Last card generation with halfway decent driver support outside Win 10. Nvidia s*cks under Linux but the Windows support is great. But I probably wrote that already in the past :) 21:21:34 ironically my Fermi 610M on this Asus is gonna fall out of the proprietary blob support in... 30 days! 21:21:45 (the EOL date for the 390 legacy branch is December 31st) 21:21:52 tomman Only worse drivers than amd for this generation is Intel :) 21:22:06 so for the next Debian release, it means Nouveau hell :/ 21:22:24 frg_Away: on Linux Intel is rock solid, just expect no performance because it's simply not there 21:22:35 sadly it seems the Arc series is a serious dud :/ 21:23:13 the hardware is underpowered, the drivers are HORRIBLE on Windows (and less horrible under Linux but still poor) 21:23:16 Pre NVidia Kepler is bad 21:23:36 and it sucks too much power (mostly due to bad drivers, but also because the hardware is meh) 21:24:23 AMD has an history of bad drivers going all the way back to ATi, but at least if you're looking for a GPU that you can use with Linux for a few years past expiry date, you have no real options 21:24:48 aside of Intel, but then that means you're stuck with... Intel :D 21:25:18 I am now on the Thinkpad Ivy bridge xx30 generation and will probably stay there. Works fine with Server 2019 and latest stuff seems crippled to me. 21:40:25 oh, another reason to stay the hell away of Intel discrete GPUs: they always find a way to create vendor lock-in (for example: requiring a recent Intel CPU, firmware upgrades being restricted to Intel platforms only due to ME) 21:48:31 tomman according to Intel this is not true 21:49:21 frg_Away: their prior attempt to Arc (Xe?) had some discrete PCIe models that were incompatible with AMD platforms (or even older Intel CPUs) 21:49:56 Arcs do work with AMD, but they require ReBAR support for full performance, and firmware upgrades require Intel ME 21:51:22 tomman this was all ovee the news but intel stated that updates will work on AMDs. 21:51:57 The two buyers of these might report later :)