02:44:26 By the way. No wonder you don't see the slowness if you are on modern hardcore pc's!!!! 02:44:47 But I'm on old hardware. 02:45:52 Like how in the worls are you going to compare speed if you sit on monster PC's that eats everything. 02:47:26 speak for yourself, I'm on ancient junk I can't afford to replace :P 03:31:08 Hello 03:33:50 Most people here are regular SeaMonkey users, correct? 03:38:00 WG9s: I am experiencing random crashes for no apparent reason in the latest builds of SeaMonkey 2.53.16b1pre for Linux x86_64. "Latest good" AFAICT has build ID 20221126220004. Crashes so far mostly in gmail webmail but also in the Wikipedia edit form. 03:38:16 Sousacycle: Correct 03:39:34 Is there any way to go back without moving the cursor to the top left to click the back button? 03:40:38 Sousacycle: You can also go back without using the mouse by means of Alt+Left 03:41:29 Thank you 03:41:40 My pleasure 03:41:53 How do you view the complete list of shortcuts? 03:43:20 Sousacycle: I'm not sure. I think there's a HowTo page on the web somewhere but I don't remember where. Let mr see if I find it back... 03:53:28 He should have waited, I think I found an interesting page in the mozillazine wiki. 04:26:01 nce job. is he coming back? 05:02:51 norgo: > I agree, in case of missing pulseaudio you could use apulse instead 05:02:53 norgo: While apulse works as a workaround, it's bad when it comes to videos above 30fps, which introduces lag 10:30:03 the help might have some lists of shortcuts, IIRC 19:20:21 tonymec|away: Did you find it? 20:29:20 very off-topic but perhaps a breath of fresh air considering how much I go on and on about the mozillasphere and non-associated clones there of.. such as my own.. 20:32:48 BUT I have this led panel with an array of chips on em.. now this was cheap so failure eventually was not unexpected but these panels they seem to be able to withstand one to two chips burning out.. the thing is after a chip burns up it seems to have a continued barely controlled overload so it melts its self into basically a solder patch now seems these arrays can only loose one or two before they all just start overloading.. i figure that is 20:32:48 because after you loose a few chips the remaining power is too high for the rest so you get a cascade until the array is too damaged to conduct any electricity or the shorts pop the driver 20:32:56 anyone encounter this behavior? 20:34:38 of an array of led chips that seem to die but then recover a few seconds later by a burned out chip and that happens a few times over some days or weeks and then complete failure? 20:37:53 Unless there is overvoltage or shoddy design should not happen. Driver chips should have overcurrent protection. I didn't see this on the pinball dotmatrix panels I worked on. But they are mostly monochrome with 8x8 matrix leds. 20:38:16 personally I prefer florecent lighting my self ... even on supposid no warmup bulbs the warmup actually gives my eyes enough time to adjust after the inital bright shock .. and my CFLs i still have a few that I have had for about five years now.. No LED bulb I have had has outlived through same usage period one of my CFLs.. Indeed I have only HAD three CFLs ever wear out in the past 10 years.. the rest I busted after about 3 years by some shock 20:38:16 or another when moving shit 20:38:38 well this is a lighting array not display 20:38:55 it IS a panel just not a display panel 20:39:29 https://www.amazon.com/YWD-Garage-Light-Blade-Medium/dp/B0854C5KKP/?_encoding=UTF8&content-id=amzn1.sym.8cf3b8ef-6a74-45dc-9f0d-6409eb523603&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mi 20:39:33 these are what I have 20:40:11 each blade panel is independantly wired to the socket base and the housing is modular so I can remove damaged panels as i need to 20:40:26 which is kinda nice they didn't wire them up in sequence 20:41:03 one is on its last blade and has at least one chip that has burned out.. my OTHER one all three blades and every chip is perfectly fine 20:41:23 I have these screwed into my studio lights which I never did anything but used as lamps in the end 20:42:16 I am not an expert but probably poor voltage regulation combined with heat. 20:43:18 likely another sign of me being a racist white supremesist.. cause I prefer white .. cool white lighting vs yellow amber of warm light 20:43:29 frg_Away: there is ONE difference 20:43:40 one light always pointed down one always pointed up 20:43:48 don't expect quality (or even protection) from cheapo Chinesium LED fixtures 20:43:53 the one that has always pointed down works and is still working 20:44:26 I love LED lighting, but all the ones I can find is of the Ez-Burn™ Made In China junk :/ 20:44:28 tomman: well at LEAST they didn't wire their cheap leds and drivers in sequence and really the whole thing seems ripe for harvesting for projects anyway 20:44:37 i can get two for less than 20 bucks 20:45:09 they really are good lights tho 20:45:45 not as brilliantly bright as the marketing says but it does offer a decent amount of good fill light and if you are underhead VERY nice task lighting 20:46:12 least I think so 20:47:13 of course NOW I have blue light in the light for my celing fan.. so that mixes in when i have everything on 20:47:26 I bought these for my moms basement: https://www.paul-neuhaus.de/led-panel-weiss-100x25cm-lichtfarbsteuerung-fernbedienung/ 20:47:27 Cool white isn't my cup of tea but you can set it to your liking. 20:47:34 I find it relaxing but most would find it extremely anxity inducing actually 20:47:48 the way I have this room lit 20:51:56 frg_Away: http://personal.mattatobin.com/image/capture/d1310058-0ab9-48d9-9d02-c25aa66dde39.jpg imagine the blue fill being 15% more white fill and that is how it looks to the eye vs the camera 20:53:38 too blue :) 20:53:43 cmos chips love blue light 20:53:55 NewTobinParadigm: Your message about preferring cool white over yellow lighting was a joke, right? 20:53:57 as i said convert 15% or so of the blue fill to white fill 20:54:02 that is how it ACTUALLY looks 20:54:15 Sousacycle: no dude 20:54:24 still too blue :) 20:55:44 might be a clue into why the circadian cycle and melatonin specifically don't act right in me 20:56:29 I meant the part about thinking you're racist because of the lighting you prefer, the other part is understandable. 20:57:13 i prefer cool to blue light.. i have never had a normal sleep/wake cycle.. melatonin suppliments act like speed leading to intense paranoia.. in this regard yeah i am totally not compatible with most's expectations and preferences and in a way they can't understand.. but for me.. this obsession with replicating fire light is just as baffling 20:57:15 That's on me, I could have been a bit more clear in my original question. 20:57:27 blue is supposed to keep you awake and also cause long term eye damage. But the damage part has been refuted. 20:58:15 Sousacycle: lol a few years ago actual social groups were organizing against snowmen because they are a symbol of white oppression.. I also am opinionated and my opinions aren't popular.. i mean what more proof do you need? 20:59:02 frg_Away: blue relaxes me and i can sleep perfectly well in JUST blue light.. red light not so much 20:59:37 Not a fan of sunny days.. even if it isn't hot out.. i prefer bright overcast 21:02:17 Same here, it's nice to have clouds to cover the sun 21:02:20 remember Sousacycle gender is not a function of biology.. but racism is.. 21:04:37 because a good number of people, rarely but sometimes with good cause, think much of what i say is utterly ridiculous and incorrect... I figure of I occasionally just SAY these crazy statements I have been told are actually the basis of whatever sociopolitical bullshit is happening.. I figure if I say it and similar things enough MAYBE it will go away because I say it. 21:05:45 i mean there HAS to be a way to make my near-pariah status work for me ONCE in a while, right frg_Away? 21:06:18 Sousacycle: 21:06:43 like Old and Insecure 21:11:35 Mozilla proper seems way behind the curve on that.. even created a whole bulleted list to send to anyone who mentions Pale Moon on the Firefox subreddit by bot... They came up with lots of old gems and brand new lies which are all demonstratedly false to anyone who takes 30 seconds and does a search to find out that everything we already have except for a few which were ignored by design like working eme.. the one sticking point is webcomponents 21:11:35 and i think they get a free pass on that one.. I just don't understand why those people would attack Pale Moon with an arsinal of old worn out falsehoods and barely cohearent new ones with one exception when there is so much else wrong with the Pale Moon project certainly when it was pro-tobin but lots of things remain anti-tobin aside from the antitobinism.. most will never care about that but oh well.. Still there are so many avenues for 21:11:36 attack of legit issues with the project and everything WE and I have done in the past.. WHY FAKE SHIT?! 21:14:04 Yeah, I am gonna put it up on the BinOC front page.. while I historically have always advocated attacking those that deserve it.. I am also demostratedly and provably against attacking anyone for the wrong reasons especially with falsehoods 21:15:06 if you post on sites like reddit or camp-firefox you deal mostly with narrow minded people. I rather skip these discussions and just do support in the official support groups. Life is too short. 21:15:09 like why the fuck couldn't they get RMS for the actual scummy shit he did instead of just another fork of metoo.. 21:16:00 frg_Away: well for us we had to contend with someone sitting on the project name and for years refused to differentate them selves as the attack group they were and not representing us 21:16:12 but that is a different situation from reddit overall 21:17:04 my going theory is that the Pale Moon subreddit group split into those who had no purpose but to attack me and those who were more in it as part of mozillazine's never ending efforts on behalf of mozilla proper 21:17:16 JUST as the subreddit is mozilla proper 21:17:19 and always was 21:17:33 any claim otherwise for either is false.. 21:18:43 I haven't seen him since he told me that. 21:20:04 still.. why is Pale Moon still such a threat to Mozilla? And why isn't SeaMonkey? 21:20:25 frg_Away: what are you and IanN_Away doing to keep Mozilla from completely turning against you 21:23:30 Nothing. We will eventually being kicked out but are mostly autonomous now. l10n, bugzilla and distribution are the biggest dependencies left. 21:29:30 frg_Away: you got what maybe a 100-250k users world wide.. grab a 10 dollar afterburst server and put it behind clownflare for the time being and cache the shit out of the install files.. 21:30:02 establish mirrors with friends 21:30:52 not me.. give me another six months and I'll mirror currentVersion 21:32:39 if we want our projects to continue even for a little while we have to do things to enable it.. cause no one else is looking out for the likes of us and whatever spectrum it to get from you to me they aren't thrilled with any point 21:56:54 behind cloudflare? 23:17:34 Sousacycle: Yes I did, it is in the Help: F1→SeaMonkey Keyboard Shordcuts→... 23:21:12 Thank you, that's going to be very helpful. 23:21:29 My pleasure.