03:37:01 Hey guys 03:37:08 Have not really made much progress 03:37:29 I have gotten the Audio drivers to finally show up in the device manager but still 03:37:31 no sound. 03:37:50 Trial and error.... kinda lots of error 03:37:58 mostly error :P 03:38:14 99 error and 1 procent success 03:38:18 or something of that sort 03:38:53 But of cause, I have nearly updated it to the max of what I can for now... Chipset and all 03:39:03 I wonder what this PCI thing is that it can't find 03:39:17 well... now the Audio thing are at least showing up, so far so good. 03:39:30 just with an error 03:39:49 Anyway... for after sleep I guess.... 03:40:24 Some apps also seem to be missing some DLL's 03:40:36 not sure if it can be corrected or if I need to find older versions 03:40:45 I need to look into that. 03:40:53 some apps do work... which is nice. 03:41:13 Some work but with some graphical issues... 03:41:19 some start up but have errors 03:41:25 some won't start up at all. 03:41:35 But... I guess a little more refining :) 03:41:40 and sorting out 03:41:58 SeaMonkey had no success in Windows 2000 03:42:07 but... there are some work arounds as far as I know 03:42:12 for all of the browsers nearly 03:42:20 but I am still far from that point. 03:43:28 But what... now I'm sitting and finding all the drivers for the WES7 32bit..... Stupid me. 03:43:49 but whatever... Tried to install some of the different drivers apps I have. 03:43:58 Need to find out if there are any others for windows 2000 03:44:02 that might be helpful 03:44:35 all apps seems to pretty much run on WES7.... but w2k is another story for sure 03:44:53 DriverMax is nearly the only one I have found that runs on windows 2000 03:45:10 Although it has found some drivers for sure. 03:45:18 sadly not the graphics. 03:45:26 or the audio. 03:45:40 maybe Black Wing Cat has something in regards of the audio 03:45:51 His graphics drivers did not seem to do much on my part. 03:46:37 although have those 2D graphics drivers are very very helpful 03:47:18 If this machine could.... get to a point of being fully fixed, it would be a outmost awesome machine 03:47:25 with w2k 03:48:28 anyway... bed time I guess 03:49:34 Hack the Planet. 04:07:45 how things change... 05:05:08 some people need to know #seamonkey isn't their personal blog.. 05:05:34 and yes I am quite aware of the aspects around me saying that 05:06:13 but in my defence it is only my personal blog sometimes and hell if it wasn't for me over the years there might not be any talking for days! 05:06:57 when my own channel activity falls below #seamonkey.. i get conserned.. it has been that way most of the year.. 10:22:03 security 12:53:00 hey guys 12:53:06 making coffee 12:56:15 9 driver programs... 12:56:34 sorry 8 12:56:37 no 7 12:57:06 see if I can update this 32 bit version as well.... although... not sure why. 12:57:50 get a little more experience with the device I guess 13:01:42 Really this little unit is hold back by its small CPU 13:03:42 AVG driver update seem to be able to install multiple drivers at one single point... for free 13:03:55 So it might be best to start there. 13:04:06 so you can take a good amount with one click 13:04:21 the others have there own ways, but only 1 at a time 13:04:39 one app can do 2 drivers a day 13:04:49 one can download them all but you need to manual install them 13:05:07 which... is not always easy, as to finding the thing in device manager... 13:05:48 well 8 drivers if found in AVG driver at the moment, then I go to the others thereafter. 13:06:02 sadly these apps mostly do not work in w2k 13:06:24 and seeing how so many different driver apps can be helpful using together, that's a bummer 13:06:40 The good thing is... 13:06:50 when you have update your system, you can pull out the drivers :) 13:06:54 with double driver 13:07:05 nice in sorted folders. 13:07:09 quickly and easy. 13:07:21 Anyway... coffee.... 13:08:00 Anyone knows about, why there are always so many inf to pick from? 13:08:06 like it does not make it easier at all... 13:09:48 There we go... 8 drivers - takes some time for sure to install 13:09:57 the neverending madness of waste of time 13:10:06 But at least when it is done.... 13:10:33 mostly I just used the WES7 32 for testing apps for 32 bit cability. 13:10:40 not sure what someone could use it for... 13:10:56 because why would anyone run 32 bit if they can run 64 bit. 13:11:06 but whatever... 13:11:22 I needed a specific file name on a inf 13:11:39 for the sound card drivers to find the correct inf out of them many. 13:12:02 Incredible how long it can take to install drivers. 13:13:29 slow as a snail... 13:13:49 I guess if you do not have anything to do in life.... 13:13:58 it could be a game thing... 13:14:08 At least you would do something that might have some value 13:14:14 for others. 13:14:40 not sure why but my kiwi IRC client is broke sending images. 13:14:50 although a very nice client for webpages. 13:14:54 works pretty good. 13:15:53 Now I'm not on a WES7 32 bit vanilla... but it sure feels slower then the WES7 64 bit. 13:16:02 although might be all the nonsense dell have put into it. 13:16:26 how anyone could get the idea of putting windows 7 on such small machines..... 13:16:30 is beyond sanity. 13:17:13 If the SlimClient could have run windows 2000 or XP out of the box, it would clearly be a lot more sane. 13:17:47 8 drivers update +10 left 13:18:29 restarting... as it usally goes with MegaSucks 13:19:03 You know... my windows 2000 pro project is still a huge mess. 13:19:11 I have downloaded so many things and drivers to test out. 13:19:40 although I have nailed the Network drivers at least, just need the latest version extracted. 13:20:19 brb 13:26:28 back 13:26:42 hmmm 13:26:56 still finding lots of updates with some of them.... 13:27:25 16 drivers in one app 13:29:37 Interesting how you can work them together... 13:29:45 as long as it is free 13:31:33 We will get there :P 13:32:08 I don't know if it is worth installing a vanilla WES7 32 bit. 13:34:16 66% offf 13:34:26 those satanist just love those 6's 13:34:35 everywhere these days 13:35:32 okay AVG drivers says it is fully updated... So far so good. 13:35:55 DriverMax should be the last app used, as you only have 2 a day. 13:36:54 wow, still lots of drivers :/ 13:38:16 Seems 2 of them says all drivers are updated, so at least 2 apps are satisfied 13:38:37 Ashampoo is the other 13:38:47 I guess they like shampoo... 13:39:52 okay 2 apps... DriverMax still have 1 driver 13:41:38 Quick driver has 4... 13:41:50 Driver boost and winzip driver still have +10 13:42:09 Driver easy is showing a lot of.... things that is not... applical to the computer 13:42:22 although some times it is nice to pick of things needed that did not work. 13:42:51 So if anyone wanna fully update there win7 machine... there is a good bunch of apps to help you. 13:43:22 and then just use double driver to extract them out of the system! :) 13:43:52 At least... that is as far as I know of that... 13:44:04 while working on my WES7 updated version and drivers. 13:44:24 and trying to get my SlimClient up and running so it can take over from my other beast of a power sucker. 13:45:31 The many apps throws lots of things against you... but you can use them for free when you use them like this... multiple apps. 13:45:43 There is also another app..... I found yesterday... 13:46:00 seems that it could be valid as well for interest. 13:48:07 Like I have 2 drivers on drivermax on my desktop... and 2 downloads are enough for updating that :) 13:48:47 DriverMax is sadly the one that seems to work in Windows 2000 pro... every other pretty much fails sadly. 13:49:06 So you don't have that help of multiple apps to find hard to find drivers. 13:54:57 Just looked into the 4 SSD 13:55:13 'I got... just for testing and installing system 128 gb 13:55:18 1 is clearly more healthy then the others 13:55:26 although not sure if it really matters in the end. 13:55:40 had one that said 97 health 13:55:45 2 94 and one 92 13:56:03 it seemed to be in regards of how much they had been used in regards of data. 13:56:19 so the 97% had been used least 13:56:29 around 2000 gb and 1000 gb 13:56:36 of transfer of files 13:56:59 although it does not matter much... just... me going into details... 13:57:31 The whole point of getting 4 128GB SSD was to just be able to test systems. 13:57:35 and swap them out. 13:57:39 and it works very well for that. 13:58:03 no need for partioning and having multiple systems, just swap the drive. 13:59:44 one wonders how it can take so long to install a driver 13:59:50 it is a huge wait game for sure 14:00:06 But I'll get there.... enjoying some music and the chat while doing it. 14:00:37 but WHY.... I ask myself that question... I really don't know... maybe someone can use it... 14:01:06 A vanilla version of this system might help on the speed, one can only hope 14:01:30 And of cause had I know about the key... in some sense I would not have needed to do all these steps. 14:01:47 it was uncessary... but... that's how it is many times finding out later. 14:02:22 But why not... install a vanilla version in placement of this DELL nonsense. 14:02:40 3 more drivers are left in Driver Booster 10... 14:02:44 and then we are off for a restart 14:02:58 a little closer to the goal :) 14:03:11 black friday satanic nonsense.... 14:03:14 ads... 14:03:21 not good computer ethics 14:03:48 12 updates updated... lets restar 14:03:58 sigh 14:04:58 You know.... Absolute Linux, maybe I could begin making a Windows 2000 pro version of Linux, just remove some of the bloated things in his distro. 14:05:33 Do you know if SeaMonkey run on Slackware? 14:11:46 So... 14:12:05 only Winzip driver updater says I have updates pretty much, at least of the first 5 apps 14:12:15 then drivermax is to be run as the "joker" 14:12:32 in lag of better term 14:15:23 apparently drivermax think I have used it to much :P 14:17:09 anyway, a restart 14:17:16 and I'll check each program again 14:17:29 but we are pretty near... fully updated with the drivers :) 14:18:00 Then double driver, and maybe a new install of WES7 32 and then fix the drivers with double driver... 14:18:15 maybe just a MS update thing as I have not done that, and I don't think I wanna do that. 14:18:18 takes days... 14:18:42 but some updates, needs MS updates to work 15:45:25 yeah seamonkey runs on slackware 23:21:26 well always rememeber the motto of the state on statesgiving day.. Be thankful. Or be silent. 23:22:20 however.. I am not The State. So Happy Thanksgiving to you all and I am personally thankful that after all I have done and in the face of what happened that you didn't turn me away in the end. 23:22:49 it would have been so easy to tho 23:23:39 I make a point of not being bothered with former freenode rules so that is a fantastic vector or just a lot of general shittyness for a long time 23:23:43 so yeah 23:23:45 thank you 23:25:50 if it amuses anyone you can replace the word State with Moon if you'd like.. same difference in my view at this point lol 23:26:25 still. thanks. 23:28:20 especially frg_Away for having to take the brunt of my textual abuse and those like IanN[m] and tonymec|away who have had to put up with my shit for only a few years less than there has BEEN a seamonkey project lol 23:29:43 I mean really #SeaMonkey without Tobin showing up to bitch about some mozilla-y thing? Would it even BE #SeaMonkey at that point. Glad I didn't stay away. 23:31:46 To help me cope with not being as MUCH of a raging asshole.. I have decided that I can EITHER attack.. OR bitch.. but I am NOT to do both at the same time. Now here is the part that you MAY be able to see the benefit from.. I love bitching about things.. debating exploring etc.. and if i have to choose between bitching and attacking.. I do very much prefer bitching. 23:32:05 so we will see if that has a positive effect among the other things 23:33:12 CaptainTobin: :-D Thanksgiving doesn't even exist where I live (unless it be Easter or Pentecost or Passover or whatever). As for bitching, so many people do it, at least let it be for some reason. 23:33:41 tonymec|away: have you known me not to bitch with reason?! 23:33:53 without* 23:35:15 CaptainTobin: :-D for some reason I prefer your bitching to some other nameless people's 23:35:39 ok ok.. it is actually bitching working and attacking.. i can't not be working cause I am by my self.. and i still enjoy bitching too much so attacking is pretty well out 23:36:10 :-) 23:36:17 tonymec|away: you are nearly alone in that opinion 23:36:22 ask the subreddit 23:38:44 still.. that place is nearly dead now.. that tells me had my plan been allowed to be fulfilled and I just faded to the background instead of conspired against, manipulated, and purged when i became more trouble than I am worth.. it shows that without me to rage at they fall apart. 23:39:14 Can you believe that? tonymec|away a whole community living or dying all dependant on being able to attack me and anyone aligned with me 23:39:37 CaptainTobin: aren't you exaggerating? 23:40:20 YOU KNOW WHAT BUSTED MY SELF IMPORTANT MINDSET?! That people consider me important enough to gather and attack me and without that they have no purpose to do anything together 23:40:22 no tonymec|away 23:40:24 I am not 23:40:58 and that is so pathetic that my own unjustfied self importance seemed much the same 23:41:47 tonymec|away: I am still getting harrassed for bsd ports issue 86 and the occasional death threat still for the MyPal shit 23:42:02 tonymec|away: a lot of people REALLY don't like me 23:43:53 that would be ok of course you know me well enough to know that.. but many many many of the conceptions and reasons are false or a distortion of events.. I have enough ACTUAL flaws that there is no fuckin NEED to make shit up about me.. and the worst part? While I am important enough for groups to come together to attack me.. but not important enough for them to be orginal let alone interesting attacks 23:45:37 CaptainTobin: when I really dislike someone I don't attack I give them the silent treatment: "don't feed the animals" as the saying goes. But I don't go that far very often. 23:46:12 that only works if attention is the only thing driving your adversary 23:46:32 while that can be true in a lot of cases.. most I encounter have additional priorities 23:47:18 hm