14:33:37 Status meeting in 29 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2022-11-20 14:51:37 Status meeting in 11 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2022-11-20 15:02:22 Status meeting is starting - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2022-11-20 15:02:46 greetings 15:02:51 howdy 15:02:52 Hi rsx11m 15:02:55 hi .* 15:03:06 hiya rsx11m 15:03:11 hi njsg and frg 15:03:37 hi ** 15:03:39 hello world~! 15:04:21 me 15:04:30 Who's taking minutes? 15:04:37 see last me 15:04:45 :) 15:04:46 thanks 15:04:49 Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank? 15:05:10 Brin from dbsoft for the macOS Ventura crash and fullscreen fixes 15:05:15 ^Brian 15:05:45 agreed 15:07:14 Action Items? 15:07:50 mcsmurf has started getting the new signing cert for Windows. 15:08:34 We discussed it the last time and I decided to add it to action itmes because a bit urgent. 15:09:14 About three weeks left for the old one. 15:10:11 hopefully, won't take long to sort as we know the process this time around (unless they have changed it since) 15:10:51 how long last Windows codesign certs, one year? 15:11:17 We /I timestamped the binaries so the old ones should still be ok if I did it right :) 15:11:56 tomman yes 15:17:35 Status of the SeaMonkey Infrastructure 15:17:36 next one? 15:18:48 Nothing changed. We still have problems generating macOS build symbols under Cent OS 7. 15:19:13 need to do more digging 15:19:57 Under Rocky 8 generation is incomplete. Test ones are generated but libxul and other stuff not. 15:23:18 Status of the SeaMonkey Source Tree 15:24:12 all building. I forked up 56 yesterday but fixed now. Some of the Python 3 build patches were not liked by Linux. 15:25:23 I am trying to get some nore js stuff in next but probably nothing spectacular. 15:25:31 Just groundwork 15:27:31 all good stuff :) 15:27:37 always soem bumps in the road 15:30:47 wb frg after a bump in the road 15:31:04 powerlan disliked me. Does it once in a while. 15:31:10 sun spots messing up the network? 15:31:25 Probably 15:31:45 Local only. Couldn't reach my router. 15:32:34 anyway nothing elase for source. ICU got updated and a bit more stuff in already for 2.53.16b1 pre but nothing else. 15:33:19 thanks 15:33:23 Release Train 15:33:26 IanN l10n central anything? 15:35:39 For release train. 2.53.15b1 is done. We delayed for a week to fix the macOS issue. But might take a bit to appear. ewong is currently busy and apologized. I am sure he will do it fast when all sorted. 15:37:00 frg: only that suite l10n for comm-central has switched to a new repo shared with TB and Lightning 15:37:22 IanN is the switch done? 15:37:25 should be no difference to localisers that use Pontoon 15:37:44 frg: yes, happened this week, some notes went out on discourse 15:38:13 ok need to add the new repos then for merging stuff back. 15:39:04 WG9s need to figure out building central with it I think. 15:40:04 those localisers that don't use Pontoon are being contacted by TB to sort out how it will work for them 15:41:00 RickyES is doning manual updates and jp seems to do it for every ESR in suite. 15:42:11 frg: yeah, according to TB, Spanish has just switched to Pontoon and JP is a special case 15:43:07 I think mozilla now fetches l10n internally into the tree. Looked like a mess and not sure how the comm repo is merged in there then additionally. But might be wrong. Didn't have much time to check and might only be for automation. 15:45:05 IanN_Maybe we should move help into our tree? Not accessible via poonton and don't see when we find the time to do it differently. 15:46:36 Somewhat like DOMi in 2.53 15:46:44 frg: one of many things I need to look at 15:46:59 Task 9992 :) 15:47:07 blocks RDF removal 15:47:54 There was some discussion using the old 1.x helpviewer initially I think. 15:49:29 Extensions Tracking 15:50:46 More or less source but rebased the webextension dictionary patches. They apply now but still something missing. Still unable to install a webext dictionary. But compians and not installs it silently now. Patches are not in. 15:51:33 Othert htan that have not read about recent breakage with the previews. 15:52:06 We were unsure becuase some internal locale stuff changes. 15:52:35 hopefully good news 15:52:58 2.Next, Feature List, Planning and Roundtable 15:53:24 Well some macOS guys need to use the Prebeta now becuase of Ventura so hopefully yes. 15:55:59 some happy users from the comments I saw 15:57:34 reminds me that I need to do a bug for the full screen problem. 15:58:19 some macOS gals use it too probably. 15:59:35 I added Palefil a bit more prominently to the extension section given that polyfill has not been updated for some time. 15:59:54 yes, I saw, thanks for that 16:00:12 2.Next, Feature List, Planning and Roundtable 16:00:56 BAU 16:01:55 Hope JustOff is ok. Seems he is from UA and thanks to Adolf Putin still on the loose something to worry about. 16:02:04 BAU too 16:02:31 BAU here too, haven't been able to do much lately :-\ 16:05:11 AOB? 16:05:25 nope 16:08:47 i'll call that a meeting then 16:08:53 thanks for your time everyone 16:09:06 next meeting in 3 weeks time, same bat channel, same bat time 16:09:43 December 11th 16:09:48 see you then! 16:09:54 yo!