05:02:36 speaking of redirecting, I wonder, do with those extensions redirection occur faster than with some simple userscript (for greasemonkey or similar)? 09:09:24 cq 09:15:03 I am using Lubuntu, and I do not know how to add a SeaMonkey launcher to my programs menu 09:17:02 any help/suggs would be greatly appreciated, thanks 09:20:23 amishrobots: currently I'd expect this to revolve around .desktop ("desktop entry"?) files 09:20:29 amishrobots: how did you install/obtain SeaMonkey? 09:21:03 if it was not via the package manager, it might be just a matter of dropping a .desktop file in the appropriate location, after making sure the paths are correct 09:21:12 um,, I went to the website, and downloaded the files to my downloads folder 09:21:59 basically to run seamonkey, i go to the seamonkey folder in my downloads folder, and click on the gear shaped "seamonkey" icon 09:22:29 so I should look for a .desktop file... let me look 09:23:15 there should be more than one, at least one for the browser and one for mail&news 09:23:34 but you probably need to adjust the paths in these files so that they point to where seamonkey is 09:23:59 hmm 09:25:05 this might be how to do it (I don't have much experience with these XDG desktop entries) https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/desktop_entries#Installation 09:25:55 * njsg would probably first try just dropping the files under .local/share/applications/, but it's probably a good idea to use these XDG utilities? 09:28:06 okay, I*m gonna ask a stupid question, but where do I find .local ? 09:29:05 amishrobots: under $HOME, might exist already, if not it just needs to be created, but probably exists already 09:29:12 hold on i think i found it 09:29:18 under usr 09:30:14 that's probably /usr/local/, no period 09:30:24 I've got /usr/local/share 09:31:06 only 4 folders there: ca-certificates, fonts, man, sgml 09:31:29 don't feel like i'm in the right place 09:31:32 no, this .local would be under your user directory 09:32:11 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1274798#c7 and the following comment have some information about this from buc 09:32:16 so,,,, would prehaps be under "amishrobots" ? (my username) 09:32:42 (the desktop file install paths in comment 7 are for a system-wide install, though) 09:33:05 amishrobots: usually, nowadays, under GNU/Linux, I'd expect your $HOME to be /home/amishrobots/ 09:33:53 I should mention that I am rather drunk, so will likely experience "PEBCAKB" errors 09:34:52 I'd seriously suggest postponing this a bit then, just in case you make some mistake typing a command 09:35:05 roger that 09:35:16 oh wait 09:35:26 think I found it with CTRL H 09:35:27 I *think* it'd go like this 1) you figure out where do you want SeaMonkey to be (say, perhaps not under ~/Downloads, but somewhere else under ~?) 09:35:47 wish I could show screenshots here 09:36:03 2) you put the path in these files from bug 1274798 (I think it has some desktop entries linked or attached?) 09:36:17 I've exposed the hidden files in amishrobots, and found .local 09:36:24 3) you run the utility to install these desktop entries and 4) you run the utility to update the desktop menu 09:38:13 ok so... I am currently in /home/amishrobots/.local/share, I see a folder for Konqueror here, and a few (but certainly not all) other progs 09:38:29 (images on IRC are usually shared by linking - this means you'd have to upload it somewhere first, though) 09:39:02 what about /home/amishrobots/.local/share/applications? 09:39:05 so,, if I drag and drop seamonkey (or maybe just copypaste?) prehaps it will show up like I want? 09:39:29 no, there you need an XDG desktop entry file 09:39:34 yeah, I do have an imgur acct, but that would be a bit of work 09:39:54 and it has to point to where the seamonkey executable is, or the executable has to be in $PATH 09:40:59 yeah, now that I look through me progs list I see that konqueror isn't showing up ,, 09:41:31 this sounds like you could use these files without modifications if you move the seamonkey folder to be /home/amishrobots/seamonkey/: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1274798#c9 09:42:11 amishrobots: the directory for the menu would be /home/amishrobots/.local/share/applications, so if konkeror is /home/amishrobots/.local/share/konkeror, that'd probably not be related 09:42:16 well, heck let me try that 09:43:27 let me restart and come back 09:47:06 well, that didn't make much difference; not that I am surprised 09:47:25 what did you do precisely? 09:48:36 I copied the entire Seamonkey folder from my Downloads folder, and pasted it into my "amishrobots" folder, then restarted my puter 09:50:24 then try getting the file from https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1274798#c9 and expanding it under $HOME, that should put icons and desktop entries where they should be. not that I've tried it, but that sounds like it would work and the only thing missing would be running the command to update the menu 09:50:35 end result: saves me one step in getting to the program, certainly does not put it in my "start" menu, but hey at least it is one step easier 09:50:47 what you've moved were the SeaMonkey program files, you still need something more to have desktop entries 09:52:43 if you want to try something and don't mind setting SeaMonkey as the default for web and mail (using the buttons in the Advanced pane in Edit->Preferences), try doing that, as it will possibly create desktop entries (but maybe without icons?) and perhaps these show up in the menu (but that's something I haven't tested either) 09:54:13 I don't mind trying that, figure I can always switch it back thru firefox 09:54:14 no idea if that requires separately running the command to update the desktop menu or not - but perhaps a restart works. You can see if the seamonkey entries are created by looking at /home/amishrobots/.local/share/applications, there should be files with seamonkey in the name 09:54:56 (note that the comma is not part of the directory name, so: /home/amishrobots/.local/share/applications 09:57:20 hmm, I think mostly I need to look at all this when I am sober. meanwhile though, my main reason for using seamonkey at this point is that I can browse FTP sites with it 09:58:10 and I have to ask,,, why the heck am I no longer able to broswe an FTP site using firefox or chrome? 09:58:47 probably secutiry reasons 10:00:21 yeah, about the menu entry, no hurry; if you can't stay connected here, this is logged at https://ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/seamonkey/20221118 ; meanwhile maybe somebody who has more experience with desktop entries will offer better advice than mine 10:00:37 Yeah, that's what I thought. Thing is that there is a specific FTP server, run by a friend of mine, which holds a wealth of video content, and being able to scroll through it, or use CTRL+F to search it was really handy 10:01:53 perhaps that and "it's oooooold" or "people aren't using it as much as before" 10:02:02 ok I bookmarked that for later 10:02:31 but in this arena all of these might be just excuses to remove the code 10:03:14 I remember back in the day when I basically used Seamonkey primarily because it had the star trek Lcars skin 10:04:54 yeah it seems like progress eventually becomes an excuse to remove actually useful functionality 10:08:25 like in the golden days of the computer age, it was primarily "nerds" using the Internets; folks who actually wanted control over their own software. Now its primarily consumers, who favor features over control 10:08:50 and I'm stuck somewhere in the middle 10:11:25 but yeah right now I am drunk and just wanna watch some stuff before I go to bed. So gonna browse my favourite pirate server for something decent , ttyl 10:11:58 glad to see IRC still exists 15:00:54 https://paste.debian.net/1261113/ my notes on how to integrate SeaMonkey with Debian 15:01:14 the .desktop launcher bit should be distro-agnostic, tho. 15:34:54 https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2022-11-16/pixiv-announces-transaction-restrictions-for-unethical-content/.191953 speaking of Japan... 15:35:22 ...it seems Visa/MasterCard discovered tentacle rape drawings and now want to impose Western morals over fiction works 15:35:40 no, "crypto" doesn't fix this! 15:36:30 ooops, wrong channel~ 21:19:14 what good are revenues if your product sucks 21:19:15 https://www.ghacks.net/2022/11/18/mozilla-increased-revenue-significantly-in-2021/ 21:19:17 oh yeah, that's right, it keeps the big dogs pockets full. well, good for them. 21:21:11 Status meeting notes updated: https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2022-10-30 21:21:12 https://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php?title=SeaMonkey%2FStatusMeetings%2F2022-10-30&type=revision&diff=1244626&oldid=1244363 21:21:17 Late again. Sorry. 21:22:44 therube As stated there: Still highly dependent on Google 21:32:38 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2022-10-30 21:32:40 polyfill is mentioned. probably should be replaced with palefill (as poly is out of date). 21:32:42 https://github.com/martok/palefill/releases