shibSeamonkey has stopped downloading emails
tommanshib: where exactly? Are you using GMail or some other email provider=
shibI am using Gmail pop the last message downloaded was at 4:11 a.m. Although gmail shows lots of new email none has downloaded.
shibThe only message was that there were no new messages on server.
franstamwow i love any article that shits all over chromisms
franstamthanks guys
franstambut none of my friends ever listen. they just want things to "just work"™
njsgthat's fun, sometimes that's precisely why I dislike stuff like chromeisms and perhaps even javascript in general
njsgseriously, it sometimes is the case that using these things is less "just works" and has to involve more work than if it were more accepting of other browsers
njsgshib's gone, but: is this the first time, or has this happened before? what kind of login method?
njsgah wait, POP, not IMAP: ok, it just acts like if there were no messages to download?
njsgcould always be something on google's side, sigh...
njsg(read: possibly harder to debug)
njsgre: the newsgroup post on Atlassian Confluence, was that Atlassian's "wiki"?
njsgoh yes, might be, it seems apache.org has one instance cwiki.apache.org