00:54:42 who tf started putting all this stupiak whitespace all over? 00:54:44 goggles? 02:31:22 tomman: it is a bit chilly tonight.. i better build the codebase to warm up! 15:55:10 CaptainTobin: I'm guessing it just wasn't more common, or at least not without that name, "dark mode" 15:56:20 there was certainly the ability to customize, at least in, say, OSes/desktops/windowing toolkits with graphical UIs, and supposedly also in the web, although even the w3c failed to account for this in their website... 20:42:20 Last status meeting notes have been updated. Sorry for being very late this time. real life got in the way. 20:42:22 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2022-10-09 20:42:23 https://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php?title=SeaMonkey%2FStatusMeetings%2F2022-10-09&type=revision&diff=1244357&oldid=1244124 21:01:00 frg_Away: when was the status meeting lol 21:01:25 ah 21:01:30 so not weekly? 21:01:54 https://ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/seamonkey/20221009 21:02:12 every three weeks now. Next one tomorrow. 21:02:14 I think I have been having a status meeting in every venue i am in since 2009 21:02:52 what time central frg_Away 21:04:08 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2022-10-30#Any_other_business.3F 21:04:10 15:00 UTC (16:00 CEST). 21:05:41 10am CDT 21:07:01 so for me that's 11:00 VET, gotta note i 21:07:03 --it 21:19:48 frg_Away: is it alright if I note the xref updates on the status notes? 21:20:02 the whole comm under mozilla and where the historical trees went? 21:21:22 sure 21:21:44 been a LONG time since I contributed to the notes lol 21:22:22 Currently listed here as a 2.53 resource: https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2022-10-30#.5Bcomm-release56.5D 21:23:41 i was just gonna add a Tobin section like the other rare times .. so you want it listed tehre instead? 21:26:03 For new permanent links I would put them in the text. For Changes Captain Tobin might be better. You decide. We can always move them around later. 21:28:24 done 21:30:27 you still intrested in the pure-weave impl being ported? 21:32:26 The website and wiki are outdated. InvisibleSmiley no longer maintains the website. The website was updated but it still needs work. Volunteers welcome. 21:32:28 ... 21:32:41 so outdated this request is out dated lol 21:32:46 CaptainTobin Yes but would need/prefer something separate so that backports to toolkit and browser would till be ok and we could put it into central too for possible l10n translations. ianN_Away might correct me here. Not sure if this is doable. 21:32:53 what happened to InvisableSmiley tho 21:33:56 well we just get the system not to build fxa by default .. you aren't tied into fuckin that unifed json thing 21:33:57 kino 21:33:59 keno 21:34:01 Stopped contributing as most of the others did. 21:34:05 are you? 21:34:26 you still do blocklists with xml and shit right? 21:34:57 cause fxa is tied into the keno or kino or whatever system i removed from esr52 21:35:10 No just want to still be able to build Firefox and Thunderbird and put backports in as painless as possible. So something stadnale would be great. 21:35:54 I think kinto is used for the safebrowsing V4 stuff. 21:36:07 no i understand but both can't exist at the same time it is one or the other but i just wanna make sure when fxa and half-weave and co are disabled and set aside and the pure-weave is put in there aren't any lingering deps 21:36:08 is all 21:36:15 KINTO THAT'S IT 21:36:31 i mean compiled 21:36:35 both would conflict 21:36:36 is all 21:37:09 so we disable MOZ_SERVICES_* and enable MOZ_WEAVE which is what the pure collected impl will respond to 21:37:15 throw it in c-c 21:37:22 well 21:37:30 c-m56/mod 21:37:45 Thought of a weave2 you could just switch on and use in c-c suite. But as stated not sure if possible. 21:38:07 hell if you WANT we COULD keep it in a completely seperate repo and we all keep it going 21:38:40 frg_Away: mozilla made too many incompatible changes after they officially stopped weave migration 21:38:53 so for SeaMonkey build weave for everything else build fxa 21:38:58 no biggy 21:39:51 the fe may need a bit of adjustment but it WILL JUST WORK i have already done it 21:40:10 hell i ported the Pale Moon incarnation of the sync UI to basilisk after ripping fxa out 21:40:24 trust me I know what I am doing with this task .. 21:40:32 Yes this would be great. 21:42:36 my version actually has the UI bits from the Pale Moon incarnation cause I intended anything that isn't required to be in app sources should be WITH the component so whichever ui version is superior is the one the final component will have and consiquently be the same one I use 21:44:17 does your codebase compile with pure 2015? 21:44:21 i expect not 21:45:37 cause while deviating vision ui bullshit is up to either of us to take as-is or do our own thing based on it.. getting weave going and then just expecting you to do THAT amount of work is just being an asshole so i will need to be able to build the codebase 21:47:57 CaptainTobin took anything pre VS2017 out. Needed later c++ support and also removed some hacks needed for VS2015. And while I love to have the sync stuff even if you for myself I am so swamped that any help will be limited. Reminds me that I need to do the 52 git repo to not look like an a** who takes only :) 21:54:00 oh no it is fine 21:54:07 i just need to know what i have to do 21:54:55 frg_Away: that git history conversion has no real priority attached dude 21:55:02 it would just be very very nice to have 21:55:35 frg_Away: you HAVE taken a LOT over the years dude.. like my shit. 21:55:41 so. 21:55:46 don't worry so much 21:56:50 frg_Away: I see something about a question regarding ewhoring for donations 21:57:12 I think I can only do without history. Comm had merges like mozilla ealry and this forked ou the timeline and push queue. There are some python utils which create branches and try to stitch them together but this is experimental ground for me :) 21:57:24 ewhoring ? 21:57:31 I am planning to create a first start wizard which would also double as a update after-oobe and i was thinking that would be a good place to eBeg 21:58:10 actually i was gonna create a first start wizard framework which apps could overlay pages onto and it be spawned by the platform at at MINIMUM show the mpl as a eula box 21:59:17 sorry frg_Away early early devs of the browser project that became firefox used to refer to netscape things like the netscape toolbar as the "whorebar" 22:00:03 so in typical .. me fasion i have extrapolated an entire dialect based on some offhanded mozilla remark from 20 years ago 22:00:05 sue me. 22:01:04 ah this one. Financials are currently ok for the shoestring operation. Money is always good but to spend it you need someone coordinating and this is probably not me or IanN currently. life + paid work + release/development work = 100%. 22:01:57 BinOC is and always has been at a negative cash flow advantage 22:02:29 tho a good number of people have donated directly to me over they years tho not so much now.. 22:02:39 not that I expect it 22:03:06 not without some serious ebegging and more than half a dozen people who give enough of a shit anyway 22:03:10 you know how it is 22:04:40 I was also gonna add a donation link in the help menu of my applications since i made sure checking for updates was restored to its help menuitem.. in interlink.. seamonkey never changed it.. or got an about box.. 22:04:43 I need an about box 22:04:54 still some donations and the DDG search contract. But expect this to decline. Personally i switched to DDG and startpage 99%. Search results on google are mostly ad ridden junk at the start these days. 22:04:57 I need a platform provided standard about box that can load up a data set and display it 22:05:16 well bing results suck 22:06:31 Google lately too at least for me so it is s*ck vs. s*ck. DDG wins. 22:06:55 after march i pretty much grabbed a selection of generic searchengines and just started including those instead 22:07:16 previously i used Pale Moon search engines whenever possible so he would get the revenue 22:31:46 frg_Away: the more and more I think about it I really like the idea of merging the search bar and search button into a button that says Search but has the icon of the search engine and when you right click it you change the search engines.. also shoving the manager into a prefpane 22:32:40 I think it is more.. Netscape. 22:32:54 I usually use a separate bar these days. 22:33:12 cause THEY would have it set as Netscape search and the 47th netscape logo would be on the main window 22:33:24 you know that would be the case 22:33:25 lol 22:34:32 I think I used the button month ago to test something. Should probably remove it from my toolbar :) 22:39:10 well when you build your tk ac amazobar you can include search engine management in-panel 22:50:23 amozobar sounds cool :) 22:52:09 AmazUrlBar 23:10:01 frg_Away: you will have to do rich list results! 23:10:23 instead of a funny tree pretending to be a list